Saturday, January 1, 2011

JYOTI's Person of the Year 2010: The People's Partnership

One year ago in our first ever Person of the Year award, we named three people - Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Jack Warner and Keith Rowley.

Jyoti's Political Personalities of 2009

This year we struggled to determine whether one person or more should get the award. 

After much discussion we decided to make the 2010 award to The People's Partnership and the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar who dethroned two political icons in one year and united the nation in a way that had never been seen in Trinidad and Tobago.

Persad-Bissessar's skills, commitment and dedication combined with those of her colleagues - Jack Warner, Winston Dookeran, Errol Mc Leod, Makandal Daaga and Ashworth Jack - resulted in formation of People's Partnership, which went on to win a landslide victory in the May 24 General Election.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar verbatim (edited):

"Tonight, friends and family all, citizens of one of the great nations in the world, let us thank these icons of leadership in our nation for joining our platform tonight...

"The winds of change are blowing, my friends, tonight I ask you, can you feel it? Can you taste it. And tonight I say victory is at hand...most important of all, do you want it? And if you do then together we will march...

"We will put God in front and we will walk behind...tonight we ask you to join in a march to victory.

"From today Charlie King Junction will not only be remembered for the labour struggle (of the 1930's) ...but for the place where the declaration of unity was signed. Once more citizens rise up to fight corruption, malice and spite.

"Nothing will stop me because together we can be happy and together we can be sad. Tonight is a historic moment...

Tonight we have joining us a man they call Jack Warner. Where do I start to speak of Jack?...He has helped thousands of people in this I am proud that he has joined us on this platform.

"And so friends tonight, while we are gathered here I want you to remember that Mr Manning and his team cannot come with performance or with anything to improve the lives of the people...they will come with bribes and character assassinations.

"They will come with lies but this government under Mr Manning has been the most anti-worker government what do you do on May 24?...

"We will increase old age pension to 3,000. We will increase the minimum wage...we have the solution. History is being made right here right now. I remember calling on all parties not to remain stuck in the mud but to gain traction not distraction...

"My fellow citizens, I was lambasted for preaching unity. They said I would sell out my party...tonight I say to you I will preserve the integrity of the United National Congress and I will not change the logo and name of our party unless I come back to you...

"We will respect everyone of our partners...we must live with unity in diversity. So there is no shame in keeping your rising sun, there is no shame in keeping the logo of the Congress of the People...this not about logos and names..

"A partnership is not about a quick fix...each partner must be respected and loved. If we were all one shape and size what a boring world that would be...when we look at the diversity of our people and the diversity of the rainbow then we say, O Lord, how great thou art!

"And so I ask you tonight to put your faith in God let your heart not be troubled, do not be afraid...we are now united in common purpose as we go forward to forge a new day a brave new world for Trinidad and Tobago.

"I invite all our leaders to witness the signing of the people's partnership...a partnership for good governance in Trinidad and Tobago...we will share this document with you."

NOTE: The Trinidad Express has named PM Kamla as its 2010 Person of the Year

1 comment:

Ian said...

This Partnership has not too long again to live. By 2012 we will be in for an early election.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai