Friday, December 3, 2010

Clico workers have job security concerns, may soon resort to street demonstrations

The president of the Banking, Insurance and General Workers’ Union (BIGWU) warned on Thursday that frustrated workers may soon hit the streets to show their concerns about job security. Vincent Cabrera's union represents Clico workers who fear that they could lose their jobs.

Cabrera said the Government is “deprioritising” the issues affecting Clico workers and only seeking the interest of policyholders. “We are hearing that the Government wants to merge Clico and British American and leave the union out so they can start to fire workers," he said

“Nobody is telling the workers or the union anything" he said adding that "we taking in front before front take we. We have a right to be heard."

He claimed that both the finance minister and Clico are ignoring the union and warned that unless that changes workers will have no choice but to take to the streets to dramatise their concerns. “And we will be calling on our international affiliates, Union Network International, to get involved,” he said.

Cabrera claimed that Finance Minister Winston Dookeran has acted in the same manner as the former PNM administration in refusing to consult his union. “The union was never consulted by the former Manning administration on its plan to effect strategic intervention by the State. Dookeran has not consulted with us either,” Cabrera said.

He said apart from an acknowledgement of correspondence sent one month ago he has heard nothing about a request for a meeting with the minister. “Up to today, no one has called us for a meeting,” he said.

Cabrera said the union has had the same kind of treatment Carolyn John, Clico's acting finance director of Colonial Life. 

He said he asked for a copy of communication from the Central Bank concerning the payment of severance to retrenched workers but John told him such correspondence cannot be circulated to third parties.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai