Friday, December 31, 2010

CAL buying ATR planes; Warner, Nicholas resolve differences

Caribbean Airlines announced Thursday that it will proceed with the purchase of nine aircraft from the European manufacturer, ATR. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar had asked for a safety review of the ATR planes after the CAL board raised questions about the aircraft.

Line minister for the airline, Jack Warner, and CAL chairman George Nicholas III, will hold a joint news conference at the ministry of transport Friday at 11 a.m. to discuss the airline plans for 2011.

The announcement followed a meeting between Nicholas and Warner to discuss the ATR issue and the firing of Ian Brunton as the airline's CEO.

The airline also said it has resolved issues relating to Captain Brunton and confirmed that it is now looking to hire a new CEO.

In a media statement Thursday, Warner said the differences which arose over the CAL Board issue were never of a personal nature. He added, "I believe valuable lessons have been learnt by all parties concerned."

He also said he is now convinced that he and the board can share a common agreement on matters of proper procedure and policy as a prelude to moving forward together on common ground. 

"I am satisfied that we have made great strides in improving the level of communication and commitment to common objectives in the greatest interest of Caribbean Airlines and that is all that matters to me now," Warner added.

"The candour with which I speak on issues often lays the groundwork for harmonious working relationships and productive outcomes. It is with this same candour that lengthy discussions were held with the Prime Minister, the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Board regarding procedural and policy making matters.

"The views I have shared have been attentively listened to and have been held in the highest regard. As is my style and my personal philosophy in life, I bear and hold no personal grudges. Indeed the differences which arose over the CAL Board issue were never of a personal nature.

"Once I can be convinced, as I am now, that the Board and I can share a common agreement on matters of proper procedure and policy, then we can move forward together on common ground. 

"I am satisfied that we have made great strides in improving the level of communication and commitment to common objectives in the greatest interest of Caribbean Airlines and that is all that matters to me now," the minister declared.

He also thanked Brunton for his service and dedication, saying the former airline executive "served CAL and the nation with distinction." 

He said Brunton told him that he wishes to move on with his career "and I take this opportunity to wish him the very best in his future endeavours.

"All that I asked was that he be treated fairly commensurate with his contribution to the airline and our terms and conditions of agreement with him. There has since been a review of the matter and Captain Brunton will receive all the emoluments due to him," Warner said.

"The very nature of the government, of which I am a part, is to find common ground and to negotiate solutions through our differences. Once again, to all our satisfaction, this has been achieved.

"I say this as a prelude to once again paying tribute to the Honourable Prime Minister for her leadership skills; which again effectively came into play in the impasse between the Chairman of Caribbean Airlines and me.

"As she has demonstrated in every circumstance, the Prime Minister's policies and decisions are driven by the paramount concern of what is in the best interest of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. 

"That is also my mission; as it is the mission of all who serve in the People's Partnership Government; as well as those who serve the government.

"Apologies have been accepted, unreservedly, and we proceed now to work to ensure that the government's equity investment in Caribbean Airlines, and our continuing support, will generate meaningful benefits to all stakeholders.

"I believe, as I always do, that the greater interest of the people, and in this case also Caribbean Airlines, will be best served if the matter is put to rest and we settle down with the very urgent needs of improving the airline," the minister said.

Warner said he would make no further statement on the past "as I am confident that the future of Caribbean Airlines is about to take off as it should."

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