Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"We is the government!" PM Kamla proclaims

"We is the government!" 

That was the vernacular line - given by one supporter -  that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar used Monday evening at the end of an emergency meeting at the Diplomatic centre attended by most members of cabinet, heads of regional corporations, councillors and chairmen of state boards.

News of the meeting had sparked speculation that the government was in crisis mode and that there might even be a cabinet reshuffle. Earlier in the day JYOTI confirmed that no such thing was going to happen.

And JYOTI confirmed that the meeting was mainly a pep talk for members of the People's Partnership and an opportunity for the leaders of the partnership to reiterate their commitment to the government and the coalition.

It was also a briefing session for the Prime Minister's Children's Christmas events, which will be held in six venues for children from each of the 41 constituencies, starting this weekend at the Jean Pierre stadium in Port of Spain and ending on December 17. The plan is to host more than 16,000 children.

The meeting also heard from Attorney General Anand Ramlogan who explained the critical role of the heads of state boards, pointing out their obligations under the Integrity in public Life Bill. Ramlogan also lectured the chairman on conflict of interest rules. 

He said a more detailed briefing will be held later for all chairman to ensure they full understand their roles and responsibilities.

In a brief address earlier Persad-Bissessar acknowledged that the government has been taking its time in appointing state boards. However she said it is because the government is taking great care to ensure that the people selected are the best. She also said the government has been making a conscious effort to include people from the grass roots level.

She explained that so far the government has named 80 state boards and it has been careful not to have the same person serve on two separate boards. In addition the government is doing its best to make sure family members of MPs are not included on boards.

Persad-Bissessar told her audience that the state boards are an extension of the government and urged the chairman to see the big picture in conducting their affairs. She warned them that their actions can make or break the government.

The leadership of the People's Partnership was present and each group pledged continued support for the government. NJAC's Makandaal Daaga cautioned about impatience and expecting too much and said people should be offering to give rather than asking for favours.

The leader of the Congress of the People (COP), Winston Dookeran, noted that Persad-Bissessar pledged that she would be a magnet for unity and she has fulfilled that role and continues to do so. He said the partnership is strong and committed.

David Abdullah, speaking for the Movement for Social Justice, acknowledged that it is impossible for everyone to agree on everything. However he said what is important is that there is consensus. There is no need for anyone to be concerned, he said, because the partnership is strong and will remain that way.

Vernella Alleyne-Topin represented the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP). She urged everyone to continue to support the government, noting that "we stand together or fall together".

The Prime Minister said it is a given that in every organisation and every family there would be differences. Life would be terribly boring, she said, if everyone agreed on everything or if all the colours were the same or all the vegetation looked the same.

She said there have been differences within the partnership and it will continue. That is a good thing, she said, adding that in the end what is important is that the partnership has stayed strong and will continue to remain solid.

And in conclusion she said one supporter told her everything is going to be alright because "We is the government!" She chanted it and asked others - including cabinet members - to join in and repeat it: "We is the government!" resounded in the auditorium of the diplomatic centre.

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