Friday, November 26, 2010

No room for complacency and mediocrity CoP Gibbs tells new polie officers

Police Commissioner Dwayne Gibbs told a new group of police officers Thursday they must be relentless in their duties, noting that there is no room in the police service for mediocrity and complacency.

The commissioner's statement came as the country is witnessing a new wave of crime with 31 murders in the last 10 days. The police service issued a media release Thursday in which it stated that police have arrested and charged 14 people this month in connection with 12 murders.

Gibbs told the 60 graduating officers Trinidad and Tobago is facing "challenging times" and said police officers must stand firm in performing their duties if the situation is to be brought under control.

“Make no mistake, policing today is very complex and challenging. Criminals today are schooled in carrying out acts of terror. They leave nothing to chance and will painstakingly analyse every aspect of your ability before they commit their acts of violence against you and those you are sworn to protect and serve,” Gibbs said.

“As officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, you must be relentless in your pursuit to right the wrongs and protect and serve with pride, the men and women you have never met, and may never know. The job you signed up for is not easy. There will be long nights. It demands focus, determination, and great bravery in the face of unknown dangers,” Gibbs added.

He told the officers  to ensure that they never exceed their authority.

"Your integrity must be maintained at all cost. Police officers are in a position of public trust... a trust that, if broken, will create an atmosphere of hostility between the police and the public. You must remain professional in all that you do and forever be committed to the highest level of standards within the service,” Gibbs said.

He cautioned the officers to always do what is right because the eyes of the public are constantly on them. “Everyone is a photographer and a producer with a cellphone. Be careful how you conduct yourself as you are a reflection of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. Your behaviour must always be above reproach and must exhibit high ethical stands.”

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai