Thursday, November 25, 2010

Letter: Opposition statement overdue

Mr. Manning is posing questions to the PM as if he were the Chief Investigative Officer of the Integrity Commission.
One must wonder on what basis he is asking these questions? Whether he is possession of personal confidential information on the PM, and if so, by what means did he obtain such information?

Did the SIA report to him matters of which he now interrogates?

If such secret information was not passed to him, is he merely being malicious and vindictive in his slanderous aspersing against a woman whose professional competence provided her with the means to unseat him ignominiously?

Manning was a career politician who used his office for his daily bread never having worked meaningfully in his area of educational qualification. His geological qualifications were shown to be worthless in his siting of heavy industry in the shifting lands of La Brea in the Labidco fiasco still the subject of investigations.

Manning has no sense of shame. Believing that he has covered his own tracks, he thinks that no one remembers his complicity in suspected corruption. But investigations continue.

Having spent millions on Project Pride and built nothing, he was upstaged by the UNC Government which produced a new airport complex which stands today as an example of accomplishment. His efforts to outdo the UNC have only produced high rise white elephants that remain unoccupied and mega projects like NAPA that are economic disasters.

Manning should pass whatever information he possesses to the Integrity Commission and leave it in their discretion to investigate the PM.
He may have to answer for providing false information at the end of the day.

The PM has answered comprehensively and Manning has been proven a liar in his false accusations. He should be sued for slander in addition to being punished by the Privileges Committee.

It is time that Mr. Rowley issues an Opposition statement on the allegations that have been made by his negligent and derelict former Captain who appears to have escaped the promised Court Martial so far.

MFRahman - via email

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai