Friday, September 24, 2010

PM Kamla, T&T delegation busy at UNGA; PM hosts Republic Day function Friday

New York – Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar was having a busy round of high-powered meetings Thursday as the much-anticipated United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) got going.

After taking in United States President Barack Obama’s wide-ranging address,  Persad-Bissessar attended an event hosted by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

A high-level panel discussion on women in democratic governance was scheduled for mid-afternoon at UN headquarters, with panellists including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Prime Minister was also invited to the Clinton Global Citizens Award, where honours are being handed to “extraordinary people (who) have had a positive influence on the world.”

Because of that event, Persad-Bissessar had to forego an invitation to attend a gala and awards ceremony hosted by Louise Blouin, a media patron who promotes the arts and culture.

The PM spoke Tuesday at a seminar hosted by the Louise Blouin Foundation.

Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan continues bi-lateral discussions with counterparts of several countries who have come to New York for the UNGA.

On Thursday, Dr. Rambachan met leading officials of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

Read the story: IDB chief impressed with T&T's poverty reduction programme

Rambachan is due to speak Friday at the UN headquarters on disarmament. He is expected to call upon United Nations member States to work together to achieve the desired disarmament goals.

Environment Minister Dr. Roodal Moonilal addressed a high-level meeting on achieving biodiversity goals and targets.

In International Year of Biodiversity, Dr. Moonilal said Trinidad and Tobago “stands firmly committed” to the implementing measures that were previously agreed upon.

The minister described T&T as “the most varied of the islands of the Caribbean archipelago due to the continental origin of our landmass.”

He cited several pro-environment initiatives, including the Green Fund, reforestation and preserved sites as an example of biodiversity conservation, greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Dr. Glen Ramadharsingh, Minister of the People and Social Development, continues to hold discussions with international State and private sector officials on matters such as poverty reduction and social policy.

Dr. Ramadharsingh said he is “extremely pleased” with the progress of the discussions, which, he stated, will influence and guide his ministry’s programmes and policies.

The Ministry of the People has been a high point of promotion by the T&T delegation, whose members have spoken at a number of vital conferences.

Persad-Bissessar may well cite the Ministry when she delivers her maiden address to the UNGA on Monday afternoon.

She and her ministerial colleagues listened intently Thursday as President Obama took the podium to address the intractable Middle East dispute, give an account on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and berate nuclear-prone Iran.

Persad-Bissessar joined other world leaders in applauding the American leader.

On the floor of the UN headquarters, the Prime Minister has held brief discussions with other Caricom leaders.

A number of world leaders are addressing the UNGA, with major themes being poverty goals, the global economy and the war on terrorism.

Persad-Bissessar is continuing to attend the UNGA, whose sittings run into late evenings. The Prime Minister’s hectic schedule continues Friday.

Late Friday evening she will host an official function at the Trinidad and Tobago Consulate in New York, in honour of the country’s Republic Day.

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