Monday, September 13, 2010

PM Kamla: No one charged in Desal matter associated with PP gov't

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar issued a statement Sunday in response to a Sunday Express investigation on issues related to a mutil-million dollar desalination plant in Trinidad and Tobago, noting that no one charged in the matter is associated with her People's Partnership government.

The plant was built during the Panday UNC administration.

Persad-Bissessar commended the media for undertaking the investigation, which she said is "loaded with the complexities of both LAW and POLITICS".

In her statement issued through Press Secretary Gavin Nicholas, the Prime Minister noted the "allegations and suggestions of unacceptable conduct involving the public purse" and outlined what she said she knows and doesn't know about the matter.

"I know persons have been investigated. I know of three persons charged, but none of them are, in any way, part of my Government. That information has been in the public domain since 2006.

"I know that the probing of all malfeasance in public office will be energetically, but soberly and intelligently, undertaken by my Administration. I know that wherever there is proof, there will be pursuit.

"Wherever there is grounds for suspicion, there will be the go-ahead for inquiry. And wherever there is justiciable evidence, there will be judicial recourse," she said.

With respect to the political implications, she said "I wish to bring no political confusion to any investigation. Those who may wish to indulge in ‘opposition pot-stirring’ should know that many crooks have spoilt the national soup.

"And they should be careful that they might not be amongst them. To paraphrase a great a saying: Let he who is without stone—or for that matter, all manner of questionable building material—cast the first sin," Persad-Bissessar said.

She added that the DESALCOTT matters raised in the Express report arose during the period of an administration with which she had "concerns and problems".

She said, "If I can establish any connection or continuity between that time and my time now, I will be the first one to review and revise such ties.

"I have therefore asked a number of persons to supply me with all the information they may possess on this matter, and to stand ready to answer relevant questions—my own as well as those raised legitimately elsewhere.

"As Prime Minister charged with responsibility to all the citizens of this country, I repeat my best advice to the Nation: let the Law take its course, and let the Politics undertake its discourse" she said.

The Prime Minister also offered an assurance to citizens that she will continue to serve the people with integrity.

"For those who wish this Government well, fear not. Those who seek to destroy a government, first try to distract the people. But I can assure you that I will not be distracted from my contract with the people.

"It will be fully honoured, with the unflinching support of an Administration that remains steadfast in its promise to serve the people, and to do so with the highest of integrity."

Read the Express story: On the trail of bid-rigging

1 comment:

John Alex Lindsay said...

As a long, long time business development consultant, a basic formula that is close to my heart, for building and maintaining a successful "client base" is "Find out what your clients want ... and then deliver it to them at a price they will pay and which gives you a satisfactory level of profit".

Clearly it is simple to say but rarely is it just that simple to deliver!

And by virtue of my 30+ years in my chosen professional field, I tend to see most things in the context of, and compare them to, business.

(Don't get me started on Organized Religion!).

Politics, is of course, in many respects easy to compare to business. And I was overwhelmingly reminded of my favourite maxim when I read this article re the PM and the desalination machinations of past governments.

In the last few months, what is now the PP government, has had it made very clear to them "what potential clients want". Those clients have of course been sending out the same signals to a greater or lesser degree to every government the country has ever had since independence. But what I see here is that in concept it is not difficult for a Prime Minister, and specifically THIS Prime Minister, to know what the "clients" i.e. the electorate wants.

But what is so unusual, and not only in T&T but in demccracies globally, here we see a Prime Minister hearing what she and her Government is being asked for, and stating clearly that she (they) intend and are prepared to deliver it.

To the extent that this admninistration does indeed deliver, as they have very obviously started out to do, they have got it made.

And so potentially has T&T.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai