Sunday, September 12, 2010

Partnership or Princesses? - the Peter O'Connor column

I could not make up my mind this week whether to write about our Soca Princesses and the FIFA Women’s U-17 World Championships, or about the Budget presentation on Wednesday.

So, I will compromise, and look at both, because there is a common thread which runs through both events. And that common thread is, unfortunately, the blight hand of the previous government.

Much of the Budget presentation involved methods to deal with the state of our economy, following years of abandonment regarding productive initiatives and infrastructure.

Many of the problems which FIFA encountered in the final stages of preparation for the football tournament involved repairs to the stadium facilities which had run down to an appalling state.

I went out to help at the Hasely Crawford Stadium last Saturday and Sunday. I had worked on match preparation in the past and had liaised with the Ministry of Sport in 2008 when England came here for our Centennial Match.

I watched the Ministry do a cosmetic “concealment” of defects to appease the England FA. My Reports then implored all concerned to do a proper upgrade, and included specific suggestions.

When, in 2009, we read of the Grand New Flag, and the alleged upgrades for the Caribbean Games, which were cancelled, I dared to hope that something meaningful had been done.

But that work, as costly as it was, apparently only involved Bling, new facilities for VIPs (actually the Least Important People in Sports), and shining MSYA “branding” all over the place.

On arrival there early on Saturday morning, I discovered that infrastructure requirements like the car park, underground drainage, public toilets, and public address systems were all ignored.

Even the escalator to the precious VIP Lounge was non-functional. The place was filthy, littered with construction debris and torn-out defective equipment, and nasty with grime and filth beyond description. No wonder FIFA was concerned!

As I gazed at the enormity of the task, I could only think that all of the “upgrades” done by Gary Hunt were tantamount to putting icing on a turd and selling it as cake.

That we were able, through hired staff and volunteers, to have the stadium ready for kick off, is a huge plus to our people, who can, and will perform when we know we must!

Cleaners and volunteers were saying, as they rose to the task, “we cannot let our country be embarrassed!” But there was also much left to be desired in the administration of the event, and this appeared in blogs and in the media. Communications, ticket management, and other information were lacking or late.

Arriving late on the scene, I put this down to the fact that Jack Warner was otherwise occupied, dealing with flooding, traffic, and other issues of his new Ministerial portfolio.

I could not help but think of Keith Rowley, probably laughing in glee at Jack Warner having FIFA problems while he dealt with the country’s issues.

But at least Jack put country first, his 5.00 am meetings being with Ministry staff (as I can personally attest!) instead of LOC staff.

But certainly Jack’s personal drive was missed in the preparation of the tournament.

But in the end, it was all about Football—and a whole new vista for us! And how proud our Princesses have made us, as we head into our final Group match this evening?

A win and a narrow loss to date, shows that we are competitive with the best of Africa and South America.

Tonight the girl children of T&T, the most relaxed nation on earth, play against the girl children of North Korea, the most rigidly disciplined country in the world! We need a victory to advance. Will you be there?

And just as we have had to host this FIFA Tournament against a background of neglect for the facilities, and indeed the players, by all until this week, so too the new government has to develop its Budget against an ongoing current of neglect, and now sabotage.

So intent on sabotage was the remnants of the PNM that they were attacking the budget before it was presented.

PM Kamla put the unpopular PNM Leader in his place by declaring that he was being childishly controversial. Silly little Colm Imbert jumped on the comment that there would be no magic in the budget.

“If there is no magic”, sniffed Colm, “Why were we (the PNM) voted out of office?” He confuses change for magic.

But here is the answer: We voted you out, Colm, to get rid of Manning and Calder, and Karen and you, and corruption and incompetence.

The change has started, and will continue.

And Rowley thinks the Budget is no good, because it is just like the last PNM one. Well! Well? What does that say?
Peter's columns also appear in NEWSDAY

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai