Monday, May 31, 2010

Jack honours 5 indian pioneers; demands state boards resign

(Jack Warner presents a gift to Bhagwandai Maraj, 81. Photo courtesy Naila Makhan)

Jack Warner spent a few hours Sunday with a small group at his Chaguanas West constituency office where he honoured five persons who survived indentureship and continue to live as role models in the community. He presented a gift and $1,000 in cash to each of the five survivors.
  • Kudrat Ali, 81
  • Bhagwandai Maraj, 94
  • Heeralal Charu, 97
  • Sabago Jatu, 104
  • Khedan Heera, 110
He expressed shock that Kudrat Ali has never received a pension.

Ali told Warner that he has made several attempts over the years to get a pension but was always denied it. The MP promised that will change. "I tell you, you will have your pension at the end of June," he said.

In a brief address the new works and transport minister paid tribute to the people of his constituency who has put race aside to re-elect him.

"In a constituency with 97 per cent East Indians you have overwhelmingly elected an African," he said. "That is a tribute to you."

Warner added that the elevation of Kamla Persad-Bissessar to the position of Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago puts an end to the myth that Indian women are weak and submissive.

He said he is proud to have contributed to her success and added that "my job is to watch out for her".

Speaking about his ministerial responsibilities, Warner said he expects all members of state board under his jurisdiction to resign forthwith.

He said that is the normal thing to do and it will then be up to the government to determine the composition of new boards and to decide if any member of any existing board should continue to serve. Warner said no one currently serving should believe she or he has any entitlement to the position.

He also promised a speedy and effective solution to the flooding problems in the country and promised that he will be the most effective works and transport minister the country has ever seen.

Warner also said when he gets to work this week he will ask ministry officials for a full audit of all contracts signed in the last few months, including those allegedly signed after the election.

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Jai & Sero

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