Rowley's vote is critical to pass the bill and there had been speculation that he might vote with the opposition, which has announced that it is prepared to go to court to stop the bill from passage.
The UNC is teaming up with the Public Services Association (PSA) to fight the bill and plans to appoint a PSA representative as a temporary Senator next week when the bill goes to the upper house for debate.
Rowley told the House of Representatives during the debate that contrary to what the opposition has suggested there is no ulterior motive behind the concept of improving revenue collection.
He said the idea originated during the 1991-1995 People’s National Movement (PNM) administration as part of the reform of the entire Public Service.
"So, Mr Speaker, unless something very drastic happens during the debate, I see no reason why as a Government backbencher, I should not support this measure," Rowley said.
He advised the labour movement not to lobby him for his support against the bill saying it should go to its representative in the Senate, Michael Annisette.
"If you can’t get your voice under the Constitution in the Upper House to vote down this measure, why do you think a member of the Government will vote it down?" Rowley asked.
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