Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Letter: Panday no longer has any legitimacy

It is pathetic to see an ageing captain who publicly boasted about his immortal invincibility to navigate the turbulent waters of the legitimacy of politics for 40 years now seeking refuge by invoking the illegitimacy of constitutionality to shore up and salvage his all but sunken and ship-wrecked political career.

He confessed that politicians have a limited shelf-life before becoming damaged/expired goods.

This erstwhile high priest of the Central heartland is insensitive to his political morals and legacy that he is inflicting on the young and upcoming new breed of political “successionists”.

Clutching to the post of Leader of the Opposition in the face of the political meltdown that was inflicted on him and his cabal by Kamlamania, on the basis of its “alleged constitutionality” is to ignore conveniently the political legitimacy of the claim of the victorious to assume the spoils of the vanquished.

Can the dissident MPs who are propping up this relic of our political past not appreciate the bigger picture?

Don’t they see that they are endangering their own selfish future political careers?

I disagree with former Senator Lyndira Oudit in readily agreeing to her senatorial dismissal by Panday.

She defeated Senator Wade Mark for the post of Deputy Political Leader.

She has galvanised more political legitimacy than any of the current UNC senators.

Stephen Kangal | Caroni


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Stephen Kangal's letter is in the mould of Raffique Shah. If there wasn't a Basdeo Panday there would not have been a Raffique Shah.
Kangal left Trinidad shortly after the entry of Basdeo Panday into the political spotlight after the demise of the DLP. Kangal which some of my hindu friends tells me means - a stupid fellow, in hindi - supported the PNM and the Caroni Racing Complex; against Basdeo Panday and the ULF. He was rewarded with a posting as Foreign Service Officer to London where he spent three decades living of the coffers of the state. His entire family has been living there at State expense. Whilst Basdeo Panday was fighting the PNM in Trinidad, Kangal was receiving accommodation, perks and enjoyment with his entire family in London for three decades through the courtesy of the PNM.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai