Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Letter: Let's raise $$ to fight for Gayelle's rights

I am willing to help fund and to organize a fund to meet all legal expenses related to CNMG's threatened lawsuit against you and or our real and only local TV station, Gayelle, The Channel.

It's high time we settle, once and for all, who owns TT Carnival, especially seeing as it's funded by so many hundreds of millions of our, the people's money.

It's so sad that the CNMG threat came on or almost on the sixth anniversary of the launch of our real and only local TV station.

Congrats, by the way!

It's also so sad that CNMG can't yet get it through their thick skulls that its own broadcast of the so-called Parade of The Bands was nothing more than a paid-for-by-us-the-people exercise, thus a public, not for-profit gesture.

The paucity of advertising carried on CNMG for its duration confirms that CNMG never had any intention of using revenue from such sources to meet or recoup production costs.

Maybe because the product is worthless? Indeed, judging from such paucity since CNMG's launch, it's abundantly clear that CNMG was not created, thus, does not exist for the purpose of turning a profit.

Hell! The so-called Parade of The Bands show itself is a not-for-profit charade, for we, the people, are yet to be advised/convinced of any year - including 2k10 - that the event was able to be held unless with substantial subsidy out of our, the people's, purse!

Down with CNMG's threat! Up with Gayelle, The Channel!

Richard Wm. Thomas | Five Rivers, Arouca

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai