Sunday, February 21, 2010

Letter: Is Tim's continuing allegiance to Panday good for new UNC?

Having since 24/1/10 left the nation in suspence and his party to ridicule and derision both in and out of Parliament, Dr. Gopeesingh, has publicly, only today (Saturday), and at the insistence of his constituents, accepted what was always obvious.

He has publicly acknowledged Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar as undisputed leader of the UNC.

In a long and rambling, self exculpating address to invited journalists, which sounds more like a hymn of praise to a convincingly defeated and discredited Panday than a pledge of allegiance to his victorious successor, the good doctor's lengthy peroration reeks of his mentor's departure from reality and bodes ill for party cohesiveness, which inter alia he has the effrontery of accusing the Ramjack faction of fracturing and thus responsible for his present and obvious discomfort.

Clearly Dr. Gopeesingh, from his statement, unlike his constituents, would even now prefer to be Panday's minion in perpetual opposition than member of a team with the best chance of relieving a suffering society from the heavy yoke of the Manning PNM.

With supporters like Dr. Tim, does Kamla need detractors?

In his determination to justify acceding to his supporters demands, he refers to Panday's commitment to democracy.

Where pray tell was that commitment on 24/1/10, or previously when he anointed Dookeran, only to humiliate him?

Given the overwhelming vote count by which they were both defeated, neither Panday nor Gopeesingh ever really believed the "fig leaf" of undelivered cards was of any consequence to the scale of their rejection on 24/1/10.

Further, his rancour at Ramjack is understandable, since without Ramjack, democracy within the Panday UNC would never have prevailed, as it so obviously did on the above date.

Indeed, after the general election of 10/12/01 when Panday as undefeated incumbent with the majority vote, elected to demit office and deliver his and the fate of the nation to Robinson's tender mercy, one may well ask whether he knew the meaning of democracy?

Or knew the meaning of "vox populi, vox Dei", or, in a democracy," the voice of the people is the voice of God"?

It would prove interesting to hear either guru or disciple explain that betrayal of the people's mandate to aggrieved relatives of the resulting 3000+ victims murdered in the crime spree unleashed and ongoing, as a direct result.

Clearly it becomes pertinent to wonder whether the inclusion of Gopeesingh and any others of like mind might not prove counter productive to the unity which is the sine qua non to any hope of dismissing the Manning PNM.

In any such event, once confirmed in the roles of party and political leader in Parliament, it will be incumbent, in the national interest, upon the new leader to ensure that any whose support is less than genuine will at the earliest opportunity be dismissed to serve the master who apparently still commands their first loyalty and purge the new dispensation of deadwood and malcontents.

Unless I have woefully misinterpreted Dr. Gopeesingh's lengthy and belated statement, in which event I hasten to apologise unreservedly, had I felt the way I interpret his statement I would have considered it necessary to resign my position in Parliament rather than serve a leadership in whom I repose less than full confidence.

Were I so pained and conscience stricken at the prospect of deserting my beloved mentor, I would have preferred to ride off into the sunset, holding his hand, rather than compromise my own personal integrity at anyone's insistence.

Cry the Beloved Country
T.G. Mendes | via email

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai