Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Panday slams PNM over scholarships, says it exposes true political agenda

Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday reacted angrily to the disclosure that the Manning administration secretly handed out millions of dollars in scholarships in a partisan manner.

The awards were given by the culture ministry between 2003 and 2007 without being advertised nationally.

The government had refused to provide details when the opposition asked about the scholarships, saying to do so would have violated the privacy rights of the recipients.

But under the freedom for information act attorney Anand Ramlogan was able to get the list of more than 260 people who got financial assistance for further studies. And the list shows ethnic discrimination.

Read the story:
Secret scholarship list reveals discrimination

"It is now clear to the public, as I have been lamenting for decades, that the PNM will stop at nothing and will rape the public’s purse to further its political agenda, as is the case with the 266 recipients who received scholarships during the period 2003 to 2007, awarded by the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs", Panday said in a media release.

"This is the reason they have been hiding information, because there is nothing transparent under the PNM. It’s sad that this scholarship list was not revealed while world leaders and the international media were here for CHOGM.

"What utter disrespect to the hard working people of this country, who have to mortgage their property just to secure a better education for their children. Or what about those who still, even in 2009, study under the lights of flambeaus.

"How can a senator or persons not worthy of receiving such scholarships benefit?" he demanded to know.

Panday said the opposition demands information on how these scholarships were awarded and if all members of the national public had access, "because it clearly does not appear so".

He added, "There is widespread belief among our people that this Patrick Manning Regime exist not to serve the interests of the citizenry, but only his close associates, family, friends and cronies."

Panday said it is unacceptable that the average citizen must cope with unemployment, poor health care, no water, traffic jams, racial discrimination, inequality and the UDECOTT fiasco, when a handful are enjoying scholarships, CHOGM contracts, luxury vehicles and afternoon limes at the HYATT.

"This revelation shows the disrespect and contempt of the PNM to not answer questions which are brought to the Parliament every week by the Opposition. It is shameful that citizens have to resort to the court to unearth how the government has spent their tax dollars which they, the citizens have contributed,” Panday said.

"The refusal by the ministry of culture to provide the information when the UNC asked the question in Parliament raises concerns about the absence of transparency and the presence of corruption which so categorizes this government," he said.

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