Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ramesh to get a "whipping" as UNC MPs call for him to quit

Members of the United National Congress (UNC) Parliamentary caucus are gunning for Tabaquite MP Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj. And if they have their way the party's Chief Whip could be fired before the end of the week.

The Trinidad Express reported Tuesday that its sources have said that opposition MPs - with the exception of Jack Warner, Winston Peters and Ramesh Maharaj - have signed a letter asking Panday to use his authority as leader of the opposition to fire Maharaj because members have lost confidence in him.

The Chief Whip chairs the Parliamentary caucus, maintains discipline among members, plans the speaking agenda and liaises with the government leader to arrange the business of the House of Representatives.

MPs say Maharaj has clearly lost the moral right to serve in this capacity based on what has been happening and what happened on Sunday at the party's congress.

Maharaj is expecting it and he told the paper if Panday kicks him out he would work harder to spread the message of change to create what he said is the "real UNC".

He is refusing to attend any caucus meeting this week and is threatening to call a mass meeting if the party moves against him. He told the Express that at that meeting the membership would move a vote of no confidence in Panday and the UNC executive.

Panday told the paper a decision on Maharaj's fate as Chief Whip will be made when the Parliamentary caucus meets. "If the undisciplined elements should be exorcised from the party, the party will be stronger I think", he told the party.

This is not the first time the two men have drawn swords. Their on-again-off-again feud started while Panday was prime minister and Maharaj was the country's Attorney General. At that time Maharaj teamed up with cabinet ministers Trevor Sudama and Ralph Maraj to demand better accountability and transparency in the government.

Maharaj and his colleagues made a deal with then opposition leader Patrick Manning and had planned to advise President Arthur N. R. Robinson that the Parliament has lost confidence in Panday and would support Manning for prime minister.

Panday pulled the rug from Maharaj's feet, demanded that Robinson dissolve Parliament and call fresh elections less than a year after Panday, with Maharaj at his side, had won a majority in the 2000 general election.

That election resulted in the 18-18 tie with Maharaj's Team Unity (TU) doing just the right amount of damage to keep Panday out of office and sending Manning to White Hall while he remained empty handed, the UNC's chief "neemakharam".

The reconciliation with Panday came for the 2007 election and once again, Maharaj stood with Panday and fought a good campaign, beating well-respected attorney Anand Ramlogan to win the Tabaquite seat.

Once again the battle lines are drawn - Bas vs Ramesh. And Jack Warner, friend, ally and supporter of Panday is in the path of the raging storm.

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