Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Somebody going to be arrested,” - Israel Khan

Israel Khan is unhappy with the slow pace of the police investigation into the emails that accused the Prime Minister, government ministers and a public official. And he believes someone should be arrested and charged in connection with the matter.

The senior counsel is representing PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar in the matter. he made the comments to reporters Monday at a news conference at his office

"Somebody going to be arrested,” Khan said. "
If the e-mails are true, well arrest the Prime Minister and the Attorney General and charge them. If it is false and it could have been figured out before by just checking before you run your mouth in Parliament," the attorney said.

He also stated that the police could charge Rowley for misbehaviour in public office, which is a criminal offence. He added that it is indeed a serious offence to go to Parliament with the kind of accusations Rowley made in his no confidence motion in Parliament, which include a conspiarcy to commit murder.

Khan described as "garbage" the material Rowley submitted and suggested that someone might have set up Rowley. 

Khan said police are dragging their feet in the investigation. "They taking Trinidadian time to investigate it, they dragging their feet, that is the way we do things in this country,” Khan said. He noted that the PM has been waiting for a week to submit to a request to have investigators check her electronic devices.

He said it was his idea to bring in an expert to do an analysis of the emails. The specialist concluded that the emails are fraudlent. Jon Berryhill said any other expert would come to the same conclusion.

Berryhill told reporters it took him a short time to note the inconsistencies and fatal flaws in the e-mails.

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