Saturday, May 25, 2013

Letter: Jack corrects erroneous report in Express

May 24, 2013

Ms Omatie Lyder
Editor in Chief
Trinidad Express Newspaper
Express House
35-37 Independence Square
Port of Spain.

RE: Erroneous report in today’s Express Newspaper

Dear Ms Lyder,

I am writing to draw to your attention the fact that the headline and contents of a report carried on page 9 of today’s (Wednesday) Express Newspaper and headlined “If I’m not selected … I will walk away” is erroneous.

I did not say to reporters that if I am not selected by the United National Congress as its candidate to contest the Chaguanas West Bye-Election that I would “walk away” from anything.

What I did in fact say is that if I contest the Chaguanas West Bye-Election and I am unsuccessful in being re-elected by the electors of Chaguanas West then I would walk away. This fact is supported by the quote in the last line of the report.

I note that the Express is the only newspaper to carry this erroneous report and I expect that according to the highest standards of journalism this misinformation will be corrected for the benefit of the members of the public who choose the Express as a source of information.

I have since spoken with Ms Carolyn Kissoon and she has confirmed the advice which I have just given and further informed me that she will be speaking to her Editor.

I therefore trust that you will have this matter corrected with the same prominence as has been given to today’s erroneous headline and article.
Jack Austin Warner

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai