Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AG calls for public debate with Rowley

Anand Ramlogan in Parliament Monday
Attorney General Anand Ramlogan on Tuesday called for a public debate with Opposition Leader Keith Rowley "in front of all the media" on the issues raised Monday in Parliament during the debate on the opposition's no confidence in the government.

Ramlogan made the call during separate interviews on radio and television on the Guardian media networks. 

Rowley made allegations Monday that the Prime Minister, Ramlogan, Minister Suruj Rambachan and the PM's National Security Adviser Gary Griffith were involved in a conpsiracy to undermine the office of the DPP and to attack a journalist at the Guardian media.

Rowley presented a string of emails that he said contained incriminating evidence of the conspiracy. 

However Ramlogan, in his rebuttal in Parliament Monday, immediately drew attention to glaring inconsistencies in the documents presented by Rowley and made a categorical denial of all the contents of the emails. He called Rowley's behaviour reckless. He also challenged Rowley to make the accusations outside the Parliament where he would not have the protection of Parliamentary Privilege.

On Tuesday he again pointed out some of the discrepancies and said it is time that Rowley stop "talking foolishness". And he issued the public challenge for the debate.

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