Sunday, March 24, 2013

Letter: Welcome President Carmona but don't dabble in politics

Forgive me for the late congratulations. Haven't been well of late. Old ticker's acting up again. But, I'm feeling little better, so let me use the respite to say Hear! Hear! Welcome aboard, Excellency! The family and I look forward to you proving you're up to the mighty task.

I did read your speech and looked at a tape of it. It was really well put across and you touched the right chords for the hour. It was good of you to speak directly to the children and the citizens. I've always felt as Head of State the President is the real Father of The Nation.

However, only one thing struck me as odd. You sort of publicly scolded the Prime Minister when you talked about having powers people feel you don't have and about the part of the Constitution which says you have to be kept informed of what the government's doing. Mr President, from the comments made in certain quarters about your inaugural speech. It seems you ignited a firestorm.

Some appear to be obsessed with those parts of what you said. Some big fishes are jumping down the wicketand voopsing about we have someone competent at last to run the country. 

Some even went as far assuggesting you're the local Obama. I'm not sure how they arrived at that, since none of them ever talked of you before as a possible President and you used to stay far away from politics. 

What? They don't know we have a Prime Minister? Today's Palm Sunday. There's no better day than now for me to put you on guard, Mr President. Don't swallow their bait!

Sir, your job is not to run Trinidad and Tobago. That is the Government's job. This is a democracy. Just like with President Obama, the whole country went out and voted to elect the Head of Government, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. The whole country didn't go out to elect you.

The persons sweetening you up forget your office is above politics. Their faulty memory could be genuine or could be convenient. Either way, please don't take them on! Following them will bring you down!

Remember today's Palm Sunday! Stay presidential and you will succeed. Dabble in politics and by tomorrow the same persons who extol you today will turn around crucify you.

Philip Maxwell Junior | Arnos Vale, Tobago

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai