Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jack, Moonilal standing firm with Kamla

UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar with chairman Jack Warner and deputy leader Roodal Moonilal
Jack Warner and Roodal Moonilal told the Newsday newspaper Saturday they are fully behind their political leader in her call to "rally the troops" against attacks on the People’s Partnership Government and her party.

Warner, who is the United National Congress (UNC) chairman, spoke with Newsday after Kamla Persad-Bissessar's speech at a UNC Congress at Rienzi Complex, Couva, Saturday in which she called on party members to be the"eyes and ears" of the government and the defenders of the party.

"I think it was one of the most fantastic speeches she has given," Warner said. "She rallied the troops, she held her stance to stay strong.”

Warner agreed with Persad-Bissessar that MPs have to go back to their party constituencies and redirect themselves. He acknowledged that some ministries that were not functioning as they should and that such a situation must change for the better.

Moonilal, who is a deputy leader of the UNC, also spoke with Newsday. he said Persad-Bissessar's speech focused on the challenges of leading a multi-party coalition and building consensus and cohesion.

“She has single handedly managed to lead by listening and by bringing her judgement to the fore,” Moonilal told the paper.

“I believe she is the only leader that could have formed a government and succeed in the way she has. Anyone who mistakes her kindness and compassion for weakness do so to their peril, as some have discovered."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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