Thursday, November 22, 2012

Guest commentary: Kublalsingh's mission is futile

File: Wayne Kublalsingh at the recent anti-government march
There is nothing as unstoppable in the world as an idea whose time has come. For that reason, we have a special woman, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and, in the USA, a special man named, Barack Hussein Obama, as President and Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation the world has ever seen, today. 

There is nothing as futile, impotent and irredeemable as a spent idea. Could it be that's why Dr Wayne Kublalsingh's current notion has not gained the currency needed to declare him worthy of national acclaim or worth?

Honestly, if one looks back on what the Doctor said earlier this year - after he and his delegation met with the Prime Minister at her Parliament Office in the Waterfront Complex - it is clear he has little regard for her really, or, if he does, he regards himself far superior to her. 

The Trinidad Express of April 9th 2012 published an extensive report of what Dr Kublalsingh said transpired during that March 15th 2012 meeting, inter alia:

"When we met with the Prime Minister, I got the impression that she was in a very weak state. She is not well, and the people who are basically heading this, the highway to Point Fortin project, are trying to exploit the situation in order to cure their own pockets and to make money for contractors."

The Express article was written by Camille Bethel.

The same newsreport earlier and further stated:

"Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is being misled by those who stand to gain financially from the construction of a portion of the highway to Point Fortin, between Debe and Mon Desir, environmental activist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh has said.

Kublalsingh said the group is gearing up for legal action and is "prepared to launch action, after action, after action until the Government self relents and stops this project".

What Dr Kublalsingh was saying then is, no matter what, concerning the issue he and his Reroute Group raised, it was their way, or the highway: the project must be stopped! 

In other words, he and his group were prepared to enter negotiations with the Prime Minister or any government official, only on the implacable ground that they were not going to yield or give any quarter to the short, any continued discussion or negotiations they'd have with anyone, would be shallow and merely for show.

The hardheaded, bigoted, self-righteous approach has no relevance in the modern-day arrangements of governance, policy-making, negotiations and societal interaction. 

In the end, in fact, throughout, such bigotry contaminates to the extent where the wounds inflicted never heal. (The ill-advised Trinidad Cement Limited strike comes to mind.) 

Having observed the retrogressively-mutating charades of Dr Kublalsingh regarding the construction of the Point Fortin Highway, I cannot endorse his fast, moreso as he embarked upon it seeking to woo a woman he himself pronounced weak and manipulatable, therefore with whom he intends to have his way should she make the mistake to be swept off her feet by his overtures.

I trust the Honourable Prime Minister is smarter than that and will continue to keep him at arm's length while she deals with substantive matters of governance, such as, bringing London to town to face the music. 

There is nothing in her records to convince me she'd behave any way otherwise.

Richard Wm. Thomas,
5 Rivers, Arouca | Trinidad and Tobago.

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