Monday, October 8, 2012

No State of Emergency in Laventille: Jack

National Security Minister Jack Warner on Sunday accused the People's National Movement (PNM) for "politicising" the current ceasefire and lowered murder rate in Laventille, adding that he is "sickened" by PNM leader Dr Keith Rowley and the rest of the party.

Warner was responding to criticisms by Rowley about what is happening in Laventille. The minister confirmed that there is a strong police and army presence in the hotspot but stated emphatically that there is no curfew or State of Emergency.

"We have soldiers and police in the area. I am hearing some foolish talk that there is a State of Emergency or enforced emergency and tomorrow (Monday) will talk about that in Parliament," he told reporters outside Mount St Benedict where he and the Prime Minister attended a service to 
celebrate 100 years of Benedictine presence in the country. 

"Everything for them is politics and therefore they would love to see death in Laventille. Nothing would give them greater joy than to see people fall by the pits in Laventille," Warner charged.

Warner also chastised the MP for the Laventille West, PNM's Nileung Hypolite, who said a murder in Beetham last week happened in Laventille.

During the budget debate on Friday Hypolite said, "The Minister of National Security is now saying that there has not been a single murder in Laventille for 26 days. 

"Mr Speaker, that is not true...Laventille is not just John John, Laventille takes up Beetham...Trou Macaque is part of Laventille...Pelican Extension is part of Laventille, St Barb's is part of Laventille." He denied that he was just "searching for a murder.

"It's not a matter of searching for a murder, it is the misinformation that come from the Government at times, they beating their chest, nobody is searching for a murder, one murder is too much," Hypolite said.
Warner said on Sunday, "I have never heard such lunacy. An MP is telling people a murder from the Beetham happened in Laventille and you are the MP, you trying to denigrate your own constituency." He added, "That is the mentality of the PNM, it is a sick party and a sick leadership."

Warner promised to "deal with Rowley" in his budget presentation Monday and "expose him for the fraud that he is."

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Jai & Sero

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