Sunday, September 30, 2012

Now is the time to stand as one nation, Ramadhar tells PP rally

"Now is the the time to stand together as one nation." That's the advice Congress of the People (COP) Leader Prakash Ramadhar had on Saturday for the thousands who converged on Mid Centre Mall in Chaguanas for the People's Partnership's Pre-Budget rally.

He urged everyone to support the government and to stand firm as one country, one people with one future.

The COP leader warned that there are similarities today with the events of 1989 that preceded the failed Muslimeen coup in 1990. And he urged citizens to be wary of what is happening so history would not repeat itself.

He said the PNM is again marching on the streets as they did in 1989 with support from the unions. Communities are in an uproar, he said, and there appears to be a lack of trust. 

However he noted that the government has acted responsibly in dealing with the issue of contention - Section 34 of the Indictable Offences Act.

Ramadhar said COP stands by its position articulated earlier this month on the matter that anyone culpable must face the consequences. So far, he noted, the Prime Minister has acted properly and professionally and taken action where action was needed to remove a member of the cabinet.

He said when the government realised that a trust was betrayed it acted promptly top plug the loopholes and demand accountability. The Prime Minister did what no other leader had ever done - lift the veil of cabinet secrecy to deal with a matter that was of urgent national interest.

Ramadhar said COP would continue to stand by its principles and pay attention to what the people are saying on a variety of issues, including fulfilling a pledge to have fixed dates for elections, recall legislation and constitutional reform.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai