Tuesday, September 18, 2012

LETTER: Get out of the way, Rowley and let the government govern

Dear Trinidad and Tobago,

Isn't it strange whenever Dr Rowley is caught with his pants down, he pulls out some herring to turn attention away from his own shortcomings?

For the last few days he has been using every opportunity to make out a case for the government to resign, the Attorney general to resign, the Prime Minister to resign, the Minister of National Security to resign, the Minister of Local Government to resign, the Minister of Legal Affairs to resign. 

In truth, he wants to whole government to resign and for the Prime Minister to call fresh elections. What's wrong with him? Can't he leave well enough alone? Or, does he have a short memory?

When the PNM was last in government, he was a government Minister and used his position to organize himself. I didn't make that up. His own boss, Prime Minister Manning said so. 

As best as I remember, there was a commission of inquiry and an investigation by the Integrity Commission. Dr Rowley only managed to get away on some technicality after he went to the court for protection. 

Suddenly, he doesn't want anyone else to have the same opportunity he had. At least that how he's carrying on about the Piarco Airport case and where the repeal of the Section No. 34 thing is concerned.

But he has conveniently forgotten what he said when his party was rushing through a similar law in 2009.

So I'm asking Dr Rowley to explain to us how come he told parliament on the 19th October 2009 that the UDECOTT scandal with Calder Hart and Manning, was ten times worse than the Piarco scandal which involved Ish Galabransingh and Steve Ferguson, and described his own PNM colleagues, some of whom are still in parliament, as vermin. The parliament hansard has the record of everything he said.

Dr Rowley must also tell us why, up to this day, he has never called for anybody to come out and march or approached anybody for their signature on any petition to get government to bring Calder Hart home or take Manning to court?

What sort of national leader is he, if he is against a government that rushed quickly to fix the law, so people one-tenth as bad as Hart and Manning could not escape prosecution?

Come on Dr Rowley. You need to come better than that or get out the way and let the government govern.

Jacqueline George | Bon Air Gdns, Arouca.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai