Saturday, September 8, 2012

Diego residents blame Rowley for not helping them after floods

Rowley gets an earful: Express photo
People from Diego martin affected by recent floods turned their anger on their Parliamentary Representative keith Rowley Friday, claiming the Opposition Leader and leader of the People's National Movement (PNM) failed them. 

The confrontation happened at an impromptu meeting held in Diamond Vale, attended by about 100 residents who turned up to complain. They said said Rolwey didn't care because he was not personally affected.

They demanded answers from their MP. "Rowley, what are you going to do, what is the next step, how are you going to help the residents?" one man asked.

Rowley explained that he was not able to help because he is just a parliamentary representative and does not have the resources to help. "My office does not get money so I cannot treat with your issues," he stated. "The things you are asking for will require funding," he added.

Rowley told reporters, "I am the representative, I can represent and I am representing." However he said he cannot help if people need money to fix their problems. 

"There is nothing I as the MP can do but represent their condition to the Government so if the people look to me to put my hand in my pocket to fund those systems I can't. That is not my responsibility; my responsibility is to make sure that their interest is represented to the State," he said.

Rowley pointed out that the Government has the resources to help the residents but has chosen to use public relations "to make you think that everything is all right".

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Jai & Sero

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