Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Teachers union won't join political movement; suports unity of workers

File: TTUTA president Roustan Job with Education Minister Jack Warner
While the OWTU has made itself the de facto mouthpiece of the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) and the labour movement at least one trade union is saying it wants nothing to do with the MSJ.
The president of the T&T Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) said on Tuesday his union will never join the MSJ. Roustan Job spoke with reporters at the annual Labour Day march in Fyzabad.

Job said his union supports unity in the labour movement but is not interested in joining any political party.

“We do not get involved in the politics of trade unions or the Government, but we will like to say that we are supportive of the trade unions,” Job said. “I think trade unions should stay out of the political arena and just do the job we are placed there to do which is to make a better way for our workers.”

Job called on the Government to be supportive of teachers. "Our teachers must be physically and mentally and financially fit," he said. "Our teachers must be comfortable as they dispense their duties."

He said that teachers must be seen as allies since "education will always be the most powerful force for positive change in T&T." He added, "The world’s finite natural resources are diminishing and the only resource we have is human capital."

Job pledged to support any trade union activity that benefits workers. "We continue to express our solidarity with the just struggles of all workers. We shall continue to make our case for quality salaries and other quality working conditions for all teachers," he said.

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