Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rowley: It was always a UNC cabal in disguise

Reproduced from the TRINIDAD EXPRESS
File: Opposition leader Keith Rowley in full stride during a PNM walkabout
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday (Monday) that the People's Partnership was like a leaking ship, taking on more and more water. The coalition was falling apart, he added.

Commenting on the withdrawal of the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) from the coalition government, Rowley said it was nothing more than the exercise of a conscience vote against the unacceptable behaviour of the rampant self-serving United National Congress (UNC).

"It clearly makes nonsense of the PM's dogma that they are more united than ever and it puts an end to the frequent, futile assurances from royalty (ie the Prime Minister) that she has all that it takes to keep the subjects of the Partnership together.

"The PNM maintains that what we have in office masquerading as a coalition is nothing more than a thinly disguised UNC cabal, hiding behind an embarrassed veil of disposable facilitating groups. Now that the MSJ has removed itself, it is only the desperate desire of the Congress of the People leader (Prakash Ramadhar) to hold on to the UNC constituency of St Augustine which he currently occupies, that delaying their departure from the wreck," Rowley said.

The Opposition Leader said that notwithstanding the unending propaganda campaign, all that has been provided by the current governing arrangement to date was "stifling confusion, overwhelming incompetence, runaway corruption, lack of national confidence and a general feeling of chronic disappointment", all of which seriously damage any prospect for any improvement in the quality of life of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

Saying that UNC has not been identifying itself as a political party, he stated that it prefers to submerge itself in Government in the pretense of a dysfunctional partnership. And, he said, it was inevitable that the wider population would take the necessary steps to divorce itself from the UNC, which is ashamed to stand on its own name.

"The only way that the Prime Minister with a straight face could say the exit of Abdulah and the MSJ have left the Government stronger is that she is finally admitting publicly that all the partnership talk is a sham and it was always a UNC cabal which remains unaffected as the disillusioned political neophytes withdraw in deep disappointment," Rowley said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai