Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Guest commentary - The PP remains strong despite the MSJ's departure

The departure of the MSJ from the partnership was predictable. Ever since President of the OWTU, ANCIL Roget declared war on the government, David Abdullah was driven into a corner or one may say forced to drive himself out of the partnership.

There is a body of opinion which suggests a weakening of the partnership. Already, the news media are sending strong messages through subliminal images on TV and the newspapers to make people believe that the partnership has already weakened. 

Whenever a government other than the PNM comes into Office, the “establishment” who were benefitting from the trough of corruption and political largesse moves with venom to get rid of that government. 

It happened to Robinson and the NAR, to Panday and the UNC and now it is being attempted with Kamla and the People’s Partnership. The media have not given this government time to breathe. They have been attacking not only the Prime Minister and Ministers but each and every person associated with the Government.

While it is the right of the media to research and report, it is also their responsibility to be balanced and to also report of the good things which the government is doing. 

Unfortunately, an examination of the pages of the newspapers reveal that they are focusing more on the negatives and therefore are appearing with a bias and an agenda against the government. This is why they are licking their chops at the news that MSJ has resigned.

The establishment has already reacted negatively to several progressive moves by the PP Government. Amongst these decisions to which they have reacted negatively are:
  • The decision to build a branch of the University of the West Indies in Debe
  • The decision to build a hospital in Penal to treat with non-communicable diseases. They have deliberately distorted the announcement to say that an oncology center was being built at the expense of the oncology center in Port of Spain
  • They have criticized the decision by the PP Govt to relocate certain Ministries to Central Trinidad. This is not surprising since in 1995 when the UNC won the elections, people remarked that “the pendulum had swung too far.”
  • They have been critical of the government’s rural development programs including the building of drains and resurfacing of roads, and these in areas which have been neglected for up to forty years
  • They have started to complain about the loss in rental income with Ministries moving to Central , but will not compliment the government on its decision to decentralize government services and to relocate certain Ministries to the area where its services are more relevant
  • In the case of the Debe Campus they want the govt to spend up to $300 million more than the lowest bidder on the grounds of localization. What about efficiency and value for money?
  • They have not been investing in the economy because they feel that by creating this economic squeeze, they will push up the unemployment rate and cause social upheavals. This is another form of economic embargo this time driven from within the establishment
  • They are committed to opposing each and every project announced by the government so as to ensure that investors are driven out of TT. Note well their complaints to the World Bank about the Carisal Project and the Highway to Point Fortin
  • They opposed the laptop distribution program for first formers and now are opposing changes in the curriculum, even where all SEA students are guaranteed a place in a secondary school
All of the above are examples of how the establishment is trying to undermine and destabilize the duly elected government of Trinidad and Tobago. 

In the midst of this they have begun to celebrate the departure of the MSJ from the partnership. Unfortunately for them, this decision by the MSJ will have no lasting impact upon the government. 

The people of Trinidad and Tobago are not going to allow Roget and Abdullah to destabilize the country. The people want peace and prosperity and understand far more than Roget and company believe, the nature of the world economy and the global financial situation. 

The experience which the workers of TCL had with respect to the strike and the loss of 24 million dollars in wages has left a sour taste in the mouths of the workers and their families , misled as they were by Roget and Abdullah. 

Whilst the workers suffered, Abdullah continued to get his pay as a Senator and his pay with the OWTU. So too did Roget, who will also receive big benefits when he retires as President of the Union. Their bread is buttered, while the bread of the workers gather mold/moss.

The people have recognized that the Agenda of the MSJ/OWTU is different from the Agenda of the government on behalf of the people. 

People are not going to go through a 1990 type experience which is what some leaders are hoping to stimulate. It is unfortunate that there are leaders who will see the country burn, properties destroyed and lives lost so that they can fulfil their ambitions for power. People are going to stand up against those leaders who promote such wanton and deliberate chaos in this country.

The Marxist/Leninist foolishness which was rejected years ago continues to be propagated by a bunch of miscreants who have not graduated into the current age of reason, collaboration and consensus.

The strength of the MSJ was Errol Mc CLeod who has remained committed to the Partnership and who in the eyes of the majority of this country has been very mature and considered in his Ministerial duties and decisions. 

Mr Mc CLeod understands the value of the PP government and better yet appreciates what it is never to have PNM Government in Office. He must be complimented for this. It is Mc Cleod whom the labour class will follow and will in whom they will continue to place their faith, and not Roget and Abdullah with their bunch of rabble rousers and miscreants. 

Let us not forget that Mc Cleod quit as leader of the MSJ. One must ask why. Is it that he saw the MSJ going in a direction which was leading to the unconstitutional removal of a duly democratically elected government? This is certainly possible!

The MSJ’s departure can have no impact on the stability of the government. Firstly, they have no seats of their own. Mr Mc CLeod won on a UNC seat and if he decides to run on an MSJ ticket, he will not win. Such is the political dynamics. 

Secondly, the people of TT have always separated their voting behaviour from their politics. They see the unions as doing union work, their political parties as doing the business of government. They are not about to change that now.

Thirdly, the young people while they are restless are not ready to push any revolutionist ideals. They will use social media to espouse their cause but they are committed to peaceful democratic change. They have seen the cost to countries like Egypt, Libya and now Syria.

Fourthly, the people are seeing that what the MSJ has been asking for cannot come overnight. Yet the govt has been amending laws and reaching agreements on labour disputes, much to the disappointment of OWTU and Abdullah. If the workers are made to suffer, then Roget and Abdullah will have fat salaries and retirement bonuses.

Fifthly, while the changes might be slow in coming, people are seeing and experiencing the change they voted for. Schools are being repaired, houses are being distributed. Leases area being handed out. The poor and vulnerable are being supported.

Sixthly, Abdullah and Roget complained about corruption. There is still in law the Integrity Commission. There is the Procurement Policy which as government promised came before the house at the last sitting of Parliament. There is legislation to deal with Money Laundering etc. All of these are there for Roget and Abdullah to use against corrupt officials. The PP Govt has not removed any of these laws from the books. There is an independent DPP.

So what is the real issue? 

Was the Prime Minister right when she asked whether the behaviour of Abdullah was a naked grab for power? It sure seems so given the real facts! 

Or is it that Abdullalh has decided that he wants to be leader of the OWTU and being a Government Senator will not allow him to achieve this goal? Has he therefore chosen to become a puppet of Roget? Time will certainly tell!

Chandra Harnanan via email

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