Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Government Committed to Labour's Participation in Government: PM Kamla

File: PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar with Labour Minister Errol McLeod
We usher in Labour Day in Trinidad and Tobago at a time when there is much interest in the relationship with our pro-Labour government, one which for the first time in political history has a stalwart of workers, a former President General of the OWTU, the Honourable Errol McLeod as the nation’s Labour Minister. 

And it is to the credit of the commitment of such representation that the government can attest today to the settlement of 36 labour negotiations all of which have been outstanding for years prior to our taking office.

Your government also raised the minimum wage from $9.00 to $12.50 per hour. The last time the minimum wage was raised before we took office was in 2005. 

We also ensured that the Masters and Servants Ordinance was repealed, which means that the old colonial law that guided the disadvantaged relationship between employer and employee is no longer on the statute books.

The Industrial Relations Advisory Committee was appointed to consider and recommend to the Minister areas of the Industrial Relations Act for amendment and modernization. 

Your pro-labour government also amended the Maternity Protection Act to increase maternity leave from 13 weeks to 14 weeks. And these are just some of the many accomplishments in advancing the rights of workers by the government in just over two years.

Your Government today reaffirms its pledge to protect the rights, enhance the benefits and improve the comfort of workers. We must,however, govern fairly and responsibly in the interest of the entire nation.

This means that as we govern, the greater good must never be sacrificed for political expediency or partisanship. 

Even in the midst of challenges, Labour is and will always be a partner to this Government. Our commitment to respect and honour the participation of the Labour Movement in the governance process remains.

With 75 years of vibrant trade union history, and 50 years of our nation’s independence serving as a backdrop to this commitment, let us work together to build a strong new relationship to identify more progressive and amicable ways to express our concerns and resolve issues. 

As we commemorate Labour Day 2012, your Government expresses full confidence that all parties can arrive at a point where the interests of the workers and the nation can be advanced simultaneously and this gives us cause for celebrating the occasion across the nation. 

Happy Labour Day to all.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP | Prime Minister

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai