Sunday, May 13, 2012

UNC chairman pledges to make party the strongest ever in T&T

File: UNC chairman Jack Warner
I wish to register my thanks and appreciation to all the members of the outgoing National Executive 2010 -2012. You will be remembered as probably the most strategic National Executive yet in the history of the United National Congress and I must say that I was happy to be a part of that team.

It was you who in four short months in 2010 were given the responsibility to mobilize the party, negotiate our position within a coalition and secure for the Membership of the Rising Sun its place in Government along the corridors of power.

You accomplished your goal without much parade or fanfare. Silently, you worked and achieved your objective. 

This afternoon as you step away from the limelight another Executive steps into your place but the work you have done will never be forgotten. To the National Executive 2010 - 2012, therefore, I wish to register my profound thanks and deepest appreciation.

The National Executive of 2012 – 2014 is an almost exact replica of the outgoing National Executive because it is clear that the membership of this glorious party recognized your hard work and elected to give to us the opportunity to complete the job we started in 2010.

The work this time will be more challenging. The focus to achieve has to be more austere. The approach to ensure the readiness of the United National Congress to face any polls must be more strategic and there has to be a more expansive vision among all if we are to ensure that our ultimate mandate, which is to keep our party in power, is achieved.

Starting from this afternoon, for each of the forty-one constituencies where the Member of Parliament is not a member of the United National Congress, we will ensure the existence of a Shadow Member of Parliament groomed and trained to hold the mantle of leadership in that constituency whenever the Honourable Prime Minister chooses to announce the date for any Elections.

Starting from this afternoon, our work is to ensure the forty-one constituencies, which represent the political demographics of Trinidad and Tobago, have a functioning Constituency Executive working to secure the success of our party.

In each of the forty-one constituencies, we are going to work with the Constituency Executives to establish party groups across our nation state to ensure the mobilization of our ground troops and to guarantee that the party always maintains its state of readiness to contest any elections.

The Women’s Arm and the Youth Arm within our party will be institutionally strengthened and there will be a drive to ensure active Women and Youth Groups exist in each Constituency.

A meeting of the Congress will be announced shortly after the National Executive meets because this is long overdue so that your leaders can report to you on the state of affairs of your party.

One thing I want to promise is that under my Chairmanship, the issue of the membership will be resolved.

Even as we acknowledge with justifiable pride one of the most transparent and democratic of processes in any party's internal elections, let us seek to perfect it through ironing out the kinks in the system. 

Let us commit to ensuring the voters and membership lists are efficiently and accurately compiled so that no one can complain or find cause to so do. In that regard, I pledge to you this afternoon that under my Chairmanship, the issue of membership and lists that inform that will be resolved.

As I close, I wish to thank the membership of our party for your support. Our party is strong. I know at times that the ground is disenchanted because things may not be happening fast enough for you but as your Chairman, I want to encourage you not to give up and never to lose hope.

To malign your party is to open the door to return the UNC back to the benches of the opposition. To speak ill of your leaders is to welcome the return of the oppressive People’s National Movement to Government. 

We may not agree on all decisions taken but one thing we can agree on is that the United National Congress is our Party, which we must defend and support with our very last breath.

As Chairman, I want to start the membership drive by calling all UNC members who have drifted away from the Home of the Rising Sun to return. I want us to build over the next two years the strongest party ever. 

I want in my lifetime, which is for the next fifty years, never to see the PNM ever in power again. I want every UNC Member to put his/her shoulder to the wheel with this National Executive and make the UNC the force of good for the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

Thank you my dear brothers and sisters and may God bless us all.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai