Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers are the true gatekeepers of our nation: PM Kamla message on Mothers Day -

There can be no greater contribution to a nation’s growth and progress than the practice of good, dedicated and compassionate motherhood. The role of the mother is never to be under-valued as we seek to take our nation forward.

The true nature of the immense responsibility of motherhood gains clarity the moment a mother holds her child in her arms. From that moment onwards, it is through their dedication, their commitment, their compassion and their unbending resolve to protect, defend, uplift and inspire that our nation’s continuity is assured.

As ourselves the children of mothers, and indeed many of us the mothers of children, we know the challenges we face and the joy we experience seeing our children succeed and take on their own challenges with courage. We also know the immense pride it gives us to know that we have made our mothers and our families proud through our achievements.

My message to our nation’s mothers is therefore one of recognition and appreciation. Whatever the challenges, there will never be a time when the value of good motherhood is underestimated. Whatever the prevailing circumstances, there will never be a moment when the contribution of our nation’s mothers is forgotten.

Mothers are the true gatekeepers of our nation’s progress and the unsung heroes whose work can provide the inspired motivation to push nations to untold greatness. Mothers are our nation’s true leaders.

On this occasion of Mother’s Day, I salute every single mother of Trinidad and Tobago. Through your dedication, your loyalty, your humility and your adamant focus on motivating and inspiring our wonderful children, you are indeed our greatest allies in building a secure future.

I would also use this occasion to reach out to families that have become estranged and who for different reasons have separated. Reconsider the direction you have walked that has taken you further away. Find it in your heart to return to the place where you breathed you first breath and make peace with your mothers and your families.

Indeed, I would also want to reach out to mothers who, for whatever reason, have forsaken their duties as mothers. I ask you to find it in your heart to return to your children and your families. A family without a mother is like a ship, in stormy seas, with neither sail, nor captain.

Finally, to the families whose mothers have passed on, I pray that you find peace and use this day to reflect on the happiest moments that you now keep as memories, and to honour your mother, through prayer and remembrance.

I wish you all a happy Mother’s Day! May God bless and keep you and your families together and safe.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai