Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Letter: Politics makes for strange bedfellows

Mr. David Abdullah as leader of the MSJ has instructed relevant MSJ Board members to resign their positions, having been appointed originally by reason of their party affiliation.

Additionally he has instructed that his MSJ Iconic photograph be expunged from a PPG ad for an anniversary Rally.

It is also well established that the MSJ has been instructed by its major partner the OWTU of which Mr. Abdullah is Secretary General to withdraw from the PPG. Recall that as Sec. Gen., he is part of the OWTU decision making process.

Despite all of the forgoing, Mr. Abdullah is determined to retain his own political appointment as a Senator.

One is forced to conclude that for all intents and purposes, the MSJ has withdrawn from the Partnership, and that Mr. David Abdullah, the man, remains in the Senate in his personal capacity shorn of MSJ credentials.

MSJ the party rejects PPG’s alleged “maladministration” in the PNM mould. But David Abdullah the individual remains approving of PPG governance and intends to support it fully in the Senate.

This uniquely dichotomous position seems acceptable to certain PPG officials since at least two have stated their approval of Mr. Abdullah’s presence in the Senate, one each from the COP and UNC.

In his very generous style, Mr. Abdullah would have no difficulty if a temporary replacement were to be found for his seat when his MSJ agenda does not permit him to support legislative measures. 

This means that he will be forgiven for publicly opposing PPG governance as MSJ leader while happy to permit its legislation in absentia.

Unlike Minister Verna St. Rose whose conscience will not permit her ethical amorality, Mr. Abdullah’s stance is nakedly political and threatens the Government’s public credibility.

Can one imagine MSJ leader Abdullah publicly criticizing PPG governance which has failed miserably in its view while concomitantly the individual Abdullah valiantly supports the PPG in the Senate against PNM criticism which MSJ has similarly criticized publicly?

Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Yet, this remarkable development transcends the bizarre. It is an absurdity that must surely leave reason confounded. 

The PPG is permitting itself descent into ludicrousness and makes coalition politics oxymoronic while attaching a unique importance to Abdullah the man.


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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai