Monday, April 2, 2012

Kamla meets with top UNC officials for private talks

Kamla Persad-Bissessar met at her private residence Sunday with top members of her United National National Congress (UNC) for private discussions ahead of Monday's meeting with leaders of the People's Partnership.

Among the officials attending were UNC Chairman Jack Warner and the party's three deputy leaders - Roodal Moonilal, Suruj Rambachan and Marlene Coudray.

Rambachan explained to the media the purpose of the meeting. “We always have discussions on matters of governance and the situation involving the Congress of the People (COP) is a fluid one,” he said.

Rambachan added that he would reserve further comments until the leaders of the partnership conclude their discussions on Monday.

Rambachan also addressed a point made by Minister of Public Administration Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan.

Media reports Sunday quoted her as saying that she was told that her name was still on the UNC list of electors although she resigned as a life member of the party in 2006 when she joined the Congress of the People (COP).

Rambachan called her statements an April Fool’s Day joke. “It’s an interesting situation to see these issues of corruption being raised. No one will take very kindly to such statements to be part of a party, knowing that you are doing everything with the highest level of integrity and another person is saying that you are corrupt,” Rambachan said.
Warner was disappointed with Seepersad-Bachan’s claims and suggestions of corruption in the UNC. 

“It is very unfortunate. We have been friends for years, but imagine she calling me corrupt. A man who takes only one dollar a month; no other perks and she calling me corrupt. She calling Kamla corrupt and calling Moonilal corrupt. I cannot understand it. I think for one moment Carolyn lost her cool and it is unfortunate that she made this wide brush painting,” Warner said.

“How we deal with this issue is important and I am not at all worried that we will overcome. We have to get them (COP) and talk to them. We shall be winners in the end,” he added.

The UNC chairman did not wish to comment on the hard line taken by COP Political Leader, Prakash Ramadhar except to note that if he were in Ramadhar's shoes he would have handled the matter differently.

On the demand for Coudray to resign as mayor of San Fernando, Warner said he doesn't believe that should be an option at all.

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