Saturday, March 31, 2012

TOP leader confident of victory in THA election

The leader of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) is confident of victory in next year's Tobago House of Assembly (THA) elections. And he is looking forward to becoming Chief Secretary.

Ashworth Jack told the Guardian media he turned down an opportunity to serve in the People's Partnership cabinet to prepare for the opportunity to take charge of the THA.
"When I was asked by the Prime Minister after general elections what we wanted, I said I preferred not to be a minister, as there were things I wanted to do for Tobago first," Jack told the paper.

He is confident that the momentum built up since the last Tobago election would serve him well, pointing out that TOP lost that election by only 255 votes.

"We had an increase in numbers in subsequent years, so we must be doing something right and that will continue into THA elections. Trust me," Jack told the paper.

“We regard the undecideds as our target, the people who came off the political scene and stopped voting after ANR Robinson," he explained. He began his political career working with the former PM and President, who still offers advice to Jack.

Jack is hoping for a form of internal self-government, the provision of which is outlined in the the Green Paper on Tobago now out for public comment.

Jack spoke about how the process would work. "The Cabinet will remain as the Cabinet for Trinidad, as well as Tobago. There would be certain decisions that the Cabinet will have to handle and the executive council of Tobago wouldn’t be able to change, and there will be matters which the Council will have jurisdiction over.

“For instance, you wouldn’t ask the Cabinet to make a decision on matters concerning seine fishing in Tobago that would be done by the Council. The THA would also decide on laws concerning marine sports and such things. It would be very broad," he said.

Jack said the document is similar to a previous White Paper because Reginald Dumas was involved in producing both. He said it was the PNM that has always denied Tobago internal self-government.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai