Saturday, March 3, 2012

Panday fears vote padding in UNC internal election

Basdeo Panday fears that the administration of the United National Congress (UNC) might cheat in the party's internal election on March 24.

The former political leader of the UNC told local media he has been trying without success to obtain a copy of the membership list in order to determine who is eligible to be a candidate and who can vote in the election.

Panday, who was defeated in the 2010 internal election by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, is not interested in running for any of the 17 positions in the election. The post of political leader is not open.

However the UNC's founding leader believes the party has been "stolen" and he is supporting and advising a group called Generation Next, which is planning to field a full slate of candidates.

Nomination day is Monday. So far the only declared candidate is UNC chairman Jack Warner, who announced Friday that he is seeking re-election.

Panday said he is concerned because persons who want to run must be sure that they are eligible.

He charged that staff at the UNC's office have so far refused to provide the members' list or any information about the election. He said that has raised concerns that the list might be padded with names of people who are not lawfully members of the party.

"This can only be verified if a copy of the membership list is available to us.
As lawful members of the party and on my own behalf as a life member and founder of the party, I request such a list for which I shall be willing to bear cost," he said.

There is speculation that Panday's daughter, Mickela, would run for one of the three posts of Deputy Political Leader. These are currently held by Roodal Moonilal, Lyndira Oudit and Suruj Rambachan. Mickela is the former MP for Oropouche West.

Under the UNC's constitution any financial member can run for any position. The election is decided on the basis of one member, one vote.

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Jai & Sero

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