Sunday, March 4, 2012

No confidence motion in T&T PM defeated in Parliament defeated 29-11

Graphic courtesy Chris Arshad Hosein
Graphic by Richard Wm. Thomas
The longest Parliamentary sitting in the history of the Trinidad & Tobago Parliament ended Saturday at 5:24 pm with the defeat of a motion by Opposition Leader Keith Rowley asking the House of Representatives to express no confidence in Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissesser.

The sitting began on Friday at 1.30 in the afternoon and ran continuously for just under 28 hours.

Speaker Wade Mark took a division and announced to the House that the motion was defeated with 29 votes against and 11 in favour.

All members of the People's Partnership were present and voted yes. Eleven of the 12 opposition members voted yes. The absent MP was Patrick Manning. The former Prime Minister and MP for San Fernando East suffered a stroke in late January and is on medical leave for 90 days.

Persad-Bissessar concluded the debate on a jovial note stating that it has always been obvious that Rowley never had confidence in her. "Who in their right mind would ever believe he (Rowley) would have confidence in me?" she declared.

The Speaker then explained that the vote had to be taken on two separate issues. He said first MPs had to vote on an amendment that was added to the original motion and then they would vote on the whole motion, including the amendment.

Leader of Government business Roodal Moonilal moved for the amendment at the start of the debate on Friday. He asked for the House to include in the recital the following:

"And whereas the Prime Minister and her historic People's Partnership Government inherited an economy in decline, a culture of wastage, raging and rampant crime which led to a disconnect to the people and the Government."

The amendment was accepted and the House voted in favour of it at the end of the debate. Mark then asked for a vote on the full motion, which read:

“Whereas an unending series of events have demonstrated:

  • The Prime Minister’s gross incompetence
  • Failure to stimulate the economy and create sustainable employment
  • A consequent unwillingness to act in the best interest of the people of Trinidad and Tobago
  • An absence of effective management of officers under the control of the Prime Minister, resulting in persistent confusion and encouragement of wrongdoing in the conduct of the national affairs of Trinidad and Tobago

"And whereas the Prime Minister and her historic People's Partnership Government inherited an economy in decline, a culture of wastage, raging and rampant crime which led to a disconnect to the people and the Government."

"Be it resolved that this Honourable House express its concern and lack of confidence in Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.”

Moonilal then moved a motion to adjourn the House to March 9, which the legislators unanimously approved.

However before the adjournment two issues came up. The Prime Minister rose to express her thanks to everyone who participated in the marathon sitting, including the Parliamentary staff, security officials and other support personnel. She also thanked MPs, including members of the opposition.

Mark endorsed what the Prime Minister said and also expressed his thanks.

The second matter was a more serious one involving a complaint raised in the House earlier in the day by Rowley who informed the Speaker that someone had threatened one of the opposition members in the precincts of Parliament.

“During today’s proceedings, my colleague from Laventille East, Morvant had reason to take mention issues relating to a stranger who happened to be around and on leaving the Chamber, a stranger did in fact accost the Member for Laventille East, Morvant, in the precinct of the Parliament accompanied her upstairs and menaced her. I refer this matter to you, Mr. Speaker, for appropriate action," Rowley told Mark.

Just before taking the vote for adjournment he announced that in his view a case had been made out that a breach had occurred and referred the matter to the Privileges Committee of Parliament.

Mark stated, “The issue raised by the member for Diego Martin West, if it did indeed occur, is cause for the intervention of this Honorable House. 

"Members of this House must be free to go about their legitimate business in this House and its precincts, without being intimidated, harassed or molested in any way, either by another Member or by any other person. 

"I therefore rule that a Prima Facie case has been made out for this matter to warrant investigation by the Committee of Privileges, and I so rule.”

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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