Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Letter: Invoking the alternative morality of Politics

If this country is divided, it is between diehard Rowley supporters and the rest, the majority of citizens now being convinced that the KPB led PPG despite its missteps and gaffes remains united in the body politic and in commonality of honest purpose.

The “rest” embraces a strange mix of assorted political “principles” and agendas operating in less than concert seeking return to influence and power by any means possible. 

Those in Rowley’s camp can only envisage PNM hegemony and will follow any leader in that direction, however vacuous may be his pronouncements, even a Rowley devoid of any charisma.

There are also many of the PP camp who have despaired too early of instant ascent to personal power and resent the evenhandedness of PP’s policies of patronage. These see no entitlement for TT born PNMites and protest against basic regard for human rights given.

And then there is the original UNC founding brigade seeking return against the tide of history. Unabashedly invoking the principle that “Politics has a morality of its own”, “lies, half-truths and innuendoes” are floated without a stammer.

A majority Afro police force led by two Caucasians acting on its own in response to a welcome SoE, invoke a PNM sabotaged Gang Act lacking in deeming clauses and on evidence gained before its proclamation, rather than detain suspects under the terms of the SoE, and the full blame is placed on the PPG for alienating Afro Youths since happily eating out of the hand of the PM. 

Crime has fallen statistically and the pervading fear of the nation has been replaced by hope for the future. The imaginative bogey of Government spying on the populace is invoked even after Manning’s shameful performance against President et al.

But Mr. Panday “is an honourable man”, and “politics has a morality of its own”, so the division he sees in the nation must be real in his mind.

The nation has now regrouped around the PM as Mayor Lee Sing expected by his warnings on the infamous Motion he condemned. Yet a division continues with a minority discomfited by the reality of KPB’s solidity.

Dr. Rowley’s henchmen had reportedly conspired with RamJackG to oust Mr. Panday from his position. 

It remains to be seen how far Morality will meander downward seeking KPB’s overthrow. Dr. Rowley has already committed to hyperbole and serial allegations of no value, and to the abuse of Parliament for frivolity and vainglory. In his desperation it may not be surprising if he sees in Mr. Panday an attractive ally.


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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai