Monday, February 13, 2012

PM Kamla opens ASJA centre, hands over $1M cheque for recreation ground

PMr Kamla Persad-Bissessar presents former government minister Kamaluddin Mohammed with a plaque at a function to mark the birth of the Prophet Mohammed and the opening of the ASJA Educational Complex at Charlieville in Chaguanas yesterday. Former first lady Zalayhar Hassanali is also in this Express photo by TREVOR WATSON
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Sunday praised ASJA – the Anjuman Sunnat ul Jamaat Association – for its contribution to the educational and spiritual development of Trinidad & Tobago. And she presented a cheque for $1 million dollars for the building of a recreation ground at the SAJA complex in Charlieville.

She was speaking at an event to mark the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. It coincided with the formal dedication of the Haji Shafik Rahaman Education Complex in Charlieville, Chaguanas.

Persad-Bissessar reminded her audience that in 1999 when she was education Minister that she approved plans to build the ASJA Boys and Girls colleges on in Charlieville, the site of the cultural and education complex.

“I remember quite clearly turning the sod for the establishment of what is today two of the Nation’s most highly rated schools, and thinking to myself even then, how fortunate we are in Trinidad and Tobago to have so many reputable and committed organisations, willing to take on the task of educating and moulding our children into citizens of strong character,” she said.

She stated that the aim of her government’s National Education Policy is to produce “high calibre individuals who are academically balanced, skilled in critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, with the ability to lead through good governance skills.”

She said such an undertaking required the co-operation of all stakeholders concerned with education, including ASJA.

The compound that she formally opened houses a mosque, the ASJA Early Childhood Care and Education pre-school, the ASJA Primary School, the ASJA Boys and Girls Colleges and the renowned ASJA Haji Ruknudeen Sahib Institute of Islamic Studies.

She said such an environment will guide children to become high calibre, civic-minded, nationally focused individuals, “who will continue to lead our country along the path of prosperity.”

The Prime Minister spoke about the Prophet’s commitment to education, noting that it is clear from the early history of Islam, that the Muslim community played a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual consciousness of the world.

“This fine complex within which we stand today continues the noble legacy which has been created for you by your ancestors and you should be justly proud of your achievements,” she said.

“For more than a decade, with infinite love and patience, you held fast to your vision of a multifaceted complex which would honour and promote the Qur’anic principles of an all pervading brotherhood of man,” she added.

IPersad-Bissessar commended the ASJA educational board, the Principals, teachers and students for the strides they have made in education. And she pledged to work with the entire Muslim community “to create a more harmonious and peaceful society in Trinidad and Tobago.”

As a token of that goodwill, she promised to add one final component to complete the educational and cultural complex – a recreation ground.

“I am pleased to say to you today that Government through the will ensure that your grounds will be completed and we are pleased to be able to present a cheque for one million dollars to ensure that this done,” she said

Persad-Bissessar spoke about the challenges at the national and global levels with respect to violence, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, crime and family problems, all of which she said “are tearing at the fabric of our society”.

She said that is why communities must work harder to bring true God consciousness and spirituality into people’s lives.

“We should, through our curriculum and activities, teach tolerance, respect, appreciation and acceptance of each other. We should work towards making Trinidad and Tobago an ideal plural society where persons of all cultures and religions could live in harmony with each other,” Persad-Bissessar stated, adding that in this regard “I must say we are ahead of many other societies”.

She said there are “those among us who would wish to divide us, to create friction and uncertainty” and urged the ASJA leaders to join the nation to assert in one collective voice, “our desire for national unity”.

She added, I look to you, the ASJA and all other religious and secular organisations in Trinidad and Tobago to work with my Government to achieve that peace and unity which would serve to take our country positively forward.”

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai