Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter: PP government would welcome Rowley's no confidence motion

The proposed motion of no confidence against the PM scheduled by Dr. Rowley is ill advised and would be welcomed by the PPG as an opportunity to report to the nation on its positive performance to date, with confidence in the PM being genuinely declared by every member of the Government. 

It will also provide the PPG with a long break from new hostilities and diversionary allegations while the debate lasts.

While Dr. Rowley’s perspective may appear reasonable in his party’s eyes, this view that he holds is really based upon his disapproval of the PM’s style which is democratic and tolerant as compared to the Manning style of autocratic leadership which brooked no form of dissidence as Dr. Rowley could easily recall from Manning’s celebrated condemnation of himself.

The operation of a Party of Parties in a governing partnership is a new political institution which is forging new mores and greater tolerance between partners.

The PPG is being given a golden opportunity to blow its own trumpet and highlight its accomplishments while explaining its inherited difficulties bequeathed by Dr. Rowley’s former leader.

The PNM will be shown as a political dinosaur unable to catch up with evolving political systems. All its complaints against the PM and her governing style will be shown as childishly ill-informed and all the social programs the PPG newly established against PNM criticism will be shown as successfully populist.

The PM does not need to bus in supporters to deflect the heat Dr. Rowley hopes to generate. Indeed, Dr. Rowley will badly need support from anywhere for him to scratch the surface of the PM’s popularity.

Dr. Rowley has already conceded that with the PPG majority the motion has no chance of success. But he is hoping that the debate will prove beneficial to his party. He is heading for a major disappointment. What will be said to the credit of the PPG will make his motion suicidal for his party.

The population may be confused by some of the static coming from the officials of the PPG, but the PM remains its most favorite ever and in no danger of being diminished.

Dr. Rowley might have been better advised to have brought no confidence motions against ministers in the Ministries of foreign affairs, sports, works, and tourism and even the AG for his recent contradictory positions on the ACIB that may require explanations. Picking the PM was his worst possible choice.

And finally Dr. Rowley has openly articulated what appears to have been his Party’s greatest discomfort. 

He has now openly called for the disbanding of the Integrity Commission against which he has had a personal score to settle. That the IC poses a threat to all miscreant political officials of whom the PNM has contributed the greatest number is no secret. 

Previously the IC could not be openly challenged, but one must now review the collapse of serial Integrity Commissions and wonder whether its opponents have not been actively engineering its sabotage in the light of Dr. Rowley’s open call.


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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai