Tuesday, January 24, 2012

PM says leadership change in MSJ is good for democracy

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said on Monday the change of leadership in the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) is good for the People's Partnership.

It was her first public reaction to the announcement on Sunday by Labour Minister Errol Mc Leod that he was stepping down as leader of the MSJ and handing over the responsibility to Government Senator David Abdullah.

Persad-Bissessar said the change shows that democracy is alive in the People's Partnership coalition.

"Winston Dookeran was the leader of the COP, he's no longer the leader, there's a new leader. It has not impacted to the detriment of the Partnership and in the same way, there's succession from Mr. Mc Leod to another person, Mr. Abdullah."

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar said she knew that Mc Leod was stepping down. She said he will give the Pointe a Pierre MP her fullest support.

"I respect his decision and I do look forward to his continuing hard work. Now he says he will pay more focus on the legislative agenda, that he has in furthering labour issues as under his portfolio, and of course in service to his constituency."

PM KAMLA's official statement:

"When the leaders of five political organisations became part of the government of Trinidad and Tobago in various capacities, a huge burden of responsibility was immediately shouldered at several levels to meet the needs of the people.

"For the Leader of the MSJ and Minister of Labour, Errol McLeod it was a huge demand and he sought to measure his ministerial responsibilities with those equally demanding and important of his constituents in Pointe-a-Pierre and that of the leadership of his political party, the MSJ.

"I commend Errol for his unselfish dedication and commitment to national service in arriving at a decision as to where his energies would be best spent. 

"He has advised me that the current demands of his Ministerial portfolio and that of addressing the needs of his constituents do not allow him to dedicate all that is necessary to build his party, and that a decision to surrender the leadership of the MSJ was communicated two months ago and agreed to by the National Executive last week.

"Comrade Errol's integrity and lifetime dedication to the cause of workers will allow no compromise of the work he has dedicated himself towards now as a Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister. I admire his forthright decision and broader perspective of the urgent needs of the nation he serves so faithfully today.

"The MSJ meanwhile will continue to benefit from its participation in the government of the People's Partnership through the shared values each of our parties signed on to in our Declaration some two years ago.

"May the MSJ move from strength to strength on behalf of its supporters and the national community."

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