Sunday, December 11, 2011

Letter: Rambachan outlines successes of SoE

The debate will continue on the success of the recently ended State of Emergency for many years to come. 

There is no doubt that the SoE has been very successful. Apart from the feeling of safety and security enjoyed by the population during this period, and the overall reduction in crime by an average of 50%, the performance of the Protective Services was challenged and they were not found wanting. 

Both the Defence Force and the Police Service did their jobs professionally and redefined the concept of duty to nation. The country owes them a debt of gratitude. 

In addition the new found trust between the Police and the communities is a most important outcome of the SOE. It suggests that citizens are willing to partner with the Police in the nation's interest. This new found trust must now be strengthened in the interest of the security of the nation.

The People's Partnership Government campaigned on the promise to reduce crime as well as to deal with corruption. In the latter regard the Government has brought for debate legislation on procurement and as well has introduced other pieces of legislation which will impact upon corruption. 

While several pieces of legislation on crime have been passed, the courageous introduction of the SoE was a defining leadership moment for the government and the Prime Minister, in that it demonstrated that the Honourable Prime Minister is unafraid to take both the hard and soft decisions as is required to ensure the safety and security of the nation. 

In this regard, she has shown a rare courage that was missing in the past leadership of the nation despite the disruption it may have caused to the lives of people. 

The reality though is that the action taken was consistent with the wishes of the people who in several poll results showed that they were supportive of the intervention. 

Apart from the fact that people wanted strong action against crime, which they did not perceive as getting from the past administration, they admired that the Prime Minister was unafraid to lead from the front in this matter. 

Leadership is about doing the right thing even though it might be unpopular. When the mandate for governance is given to a Prime Minister it is expected that this mandate will be used to promote the good of the governed. 

In this instance the good of the governed is borne out by the statistics including a 56% decline in murders during this period, the seizure of 185 guns and 13,000 bullets, and an overall 50% in all other crimes!

The debate is also continuing as to what happens after the SoE. 

Long before the SoE, the Minister of National Security was putting into place the National Mentorship Program as well as other programs aimed at rejuvenating communities and giving a new vision of opportunities to young people. 

Further, the “Colour Me Orange Program” is one of several social programs aimed at disadvantaged communities and youths. The reorganization of the URP Program to include agriculture as well as the business incubator and entrepreneurship programs of the Ministry of Labour are all part of the overall package intended to create jobs and opportunities for self employment. 

One must not forget the sporting initiatives announced by Minister Anil Roberts which will train hundreds of youths in the management of sport facilities and in developing coaching skills.

The People's Partnership Government understands that crime is not only fought through legislation and tough policing. 

We know that people must be given the opportunity to lead a normal life side by side with programs to change their lifestyles. We understand the need to introduce human values in education at an early age, hence the emphasis on the Early Childhood Centers, as much as we know that parenting skills must be improved through active counselling. 

The government is aware that crime also results when people fall through the "cracks". In this regard one notices with deep admiration the compelling social interventions of the Minister of the People, Dr Glen Ramadharsingh, in several disadvantaged communities.

When you look carefully you will see that the People’s Partnership Government is intent upon social transformation, a safe society and secure nation. 

There are always going to be those who would wish that the government is not successful in the pursuit of these objectives. Rest assured that the Prime Minister is intent upon fulfilling the mandate given to her and will achieve them in this term of office.

Surujrattan Rambachan | Minister of Foreign Affairs and Communications

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai