Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chaguanas West wants local TI to apologise for casting aspersions on character of Jack Warner

The Chaguanas West constituency on Friday demanded an apology from the local chapter of Transparency International (TI) for what it called "the unsubstantiated statements" made on Thursday when it released the 2011 Corruption Perception Index.

TI's local chapter singled out the Chaguanas West Jack Warner, who is also the Chairman of the United National Congress, noting that Warner presence in the administration contributed to the fall of Trinidad and Tobago in the index from 73 last year to 91.

In a media release, the secretary of the constituency said, "The Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI) offered no information or evidence to support its claims and provided no link between its conclusions and the parent CPI 2011 report from TI. No data was adduced to support this conclusion."

Indra Maraj-Jaggessar said the local chapter was recklessly irresponsible in making statements that impact on Warner's reputation and character. She said TI unjustly attacked the MP and unfairly cast aspersions "on the government, the People’s Partnership as a unit and the individual constituent parties in the partnership."

Maraj-Jaggessar added, "It has not escaped this constituency that the local chapter of TI has been on an aggressive and almost blood-thirsty campaign against our MP since the dismissal of Senator Mary King, a former head of the TTTI, from the Cabinet, as if seeking retribution.

"Such conduct from an organization that holds itself to be a beacon for integrity is unbecoming. In fact, it is out of character for the TTTI we have known and seen in the years past.

"We also note the diametric inconsistency of yesterday’s (Thursday) comment from the TTTI from the statement by the said TTTI President, Richard Joseph, published on March 6, 2011 in the Miami Herald, that the country can expect no long-term impact from the issues between Mr Warner, FIFA and the CFU and that, “Mr. Warner has his own international brand now and it is so big that whatever people perceive would attach to him and not to the country.”

The constituency acknowledged the decline for Trinidad and Tobago and said the government must take responsibility it.

However, it stood firm with its MP, reminding the nation that he was elected with the highest number of votes ever for a member of parliament in the country.

In declaring its firm commitment to the minister, the constituency said, "Mr Warner has consistently been voted the top performing MP since his entrance to electoral politics in 2007. He is considered the hardest working Minister and MP due to the dedication he displays seeing persons from throughout the country at his offices to assist them with their problems and needs."

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