Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Detention Orders served in connection with assassination plot

The State has now served Detention Orders for 12 people who have been identified in being involved in a plot to kill Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three senior Cabinet ministers.

Seven of them have been identified as assassins and the five others are named as being involved in a plot to destabilise Trinidad and Tobago and cause major panic. It is expected that the 13th person being held will also be served a Detention Order by Wednesday.

Media reports say law enforcement authorities are questioning another person who was held in east Port-of-Spain.

The 12 person who have been served Detention Orders are being held at the Golden Grove Prison in Arouca. 

The Trinidad Guardian reported Wednesday that senior investigators have expressed doubt whether criminal charges could in fact be laid against those detained.
The paper said investigators are hoping they could obtain "tangible evidence" to lay charges before the state of emergency expires on Monday. 

The Guardian quoted a senior investigator as saying, "We believe we have the people we need at this point...there may be other people who can help us and we will be looking for them.” 

The list of detainees:
  1. Selwyn Alexis, also known as “Robocop”
  2. Yohann Cruickshank, also called “Wally”
  3. David Millard, also known as “Buffy”
  4. Andy Brown, also called “Sudan”
  5. Police Sergeant Earl Elie. He was last assigned to the St Clair Police Station
  6. William Taylor, also known as “Billy”
  7. Bryan Barrington, also called “Soldier Barry”. Barrington is a former member of the Defence Force and was dishonourably discharged from the service 
  8. Khalil Karamath, the son of late contractor Hafeez Karamath 
  9. Shane Crawford, also called “Asadullah”
  10. Milton Algernon, also called Fareed Mustapha 
  11. Chionesu Luqman, also called Asim Cuffie, and also called Salim Luqman
  12. Ashmeed Choate, an Islamic scholar, of Craignish Road, Princes Town

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai