Friday, November 11, 2011

Feature: Selfless efforts rewarded

Heroic: From left, Sherroll Inniss, Charles Beckles and Alice Sabga.
By Kenmore Bynoe (

Three selfless community workers were applauded and rewarded when CIBC First Caribbean International Bank announced the Barbadian finalists for the 2011 Unsung Heroes Programme, at the Clock Tower, Main Guard, the Garrison, on Tuesday night.

There were glowing tributes, in addition to presentations of plaques, flowers, and US$6 000 was given to Alice Sabga, Sherroll Inniss and Charles Beckles to help fund their voluntary projects.

The trio will be judged with other regional volunteers for the top Caribbean Unsung Hero prize.

Inniss has been involved in community arts and community business programmes for over a decade while Sabga, 70, has dedicated over four decades of her life towards improving the welfare of others. Every Wednesday she cooks meals for 100 homeless people.

Beckles has spent the last ten years caring for the elderly, maintaining their surroundings, cooking, bathing, running errands and transporting them to various destinations. He has “borrowed” five unused lots to cultivate and provide produce for those in need.

Chief judge Harold Hoyte described the local finalists as “heartliners” who were distinct from hardliners and headliners.

Managing director of CIBC First Caribbean, Barbados, Danny Farmer pointed out that people such as Inniss, Beckles and Sabga must be acknowledged and rewarded since, with the current economic situation, people would be looking out for their own interests.

Editor's note: Alice Sabga is the mother of former T&T High Commissioner to Canada, Robert Sabga. Mr Sabga currently lives in Ottawa, Canada.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai