Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Sunday congratulated the Trinidad and Tobago “Red Force” T20 Cricket Team on the "superb victory over the defending Champions of the Nokia Twenty20 Champions League, and reigning India Premier League Champions, the Chennai Super Kings."
A media release from the office of The Prime Minister said:
A media release from the office of The Prime Minister said:
"After two fine performances in their first two games, the team’s heart, determination and patriotism shone through, as the members of the Trinidad and Tobago team stood resolute in the throes of the Super Kings’ home crowd to demonstrate the temerity of every single Trinidad and Tobago National in the commitment to the game.
"The Honourable Prime Minister further expresses her continued best wishes to the team in their upcoming match against the Cape Cobras, with the knowledge that every citizen stands behind the team to demonstrate the power of the "Red Force"."
"The Honourable Prime Minister further expresses her continued best wishes to the team in their upcoming match against the Cape Cobras, with the knowledge that every citizen stands behind the team to demonstrate the power of the "Red Force"."
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