Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Divali message from COP leader

Our brave forefathers who came from India, be they the first ones who came in 1845 or on the last ship in 1917, may have never envisaged that Divali would have become such a major national event as it has become today. 

Undeniably ever since it was declared a public holiday in 1966, Divali has been able to bring our people closer together. It has become yet another medium to enhance a rich heritage and a common future of our beloved nation.

We in Trinidad and Tobago are blessed that our Republican Constitution enshrines freedom of worship. For this our leaders of the past, and those of the present must be acknowledged as guiding radiant lights on the path of nation building, whether that radiance emanates from the glow of a deya, candle or crescent moon.

Divali can never be measured by the quantum of deyas lit, or the magnificence of the indigenous bamboo arrangements. Rather, it must be measured by our shared values, our capacity to love, to work, to forgive, to respect our fellow citizen , and more so to respect each other's religious pursuits.

This year's Divali comes at a time when dark challenges continue to hover above. May the light of Divali, give us the courage to face all adversities. 

Let us on this auspicious occasion use the divine glow of the deyas to lead us from darkness to light, ignorance to wisdom, and weakness to strength. Let this enlightenment ignite a renewed national consciousness, as we approach fifty years as an independent nation. 

Let us invoke Mother Lakshmi's blessings to ascend to a higher level of humanity for now and for future generations to come.


Prakash Ramadhar | Political Leader, Congress of the People.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai