Thursday, September 8, 2011

DPP will examine complaint against Nunez-Tesheira in Clico matter

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar told Parliament on Wednesday the Director of Public Prosecutions will examine a complaint made against former Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira, with regard to an alleged conflict of interest in Clico.

Persad-Bissessar led the charge against Nunez-Tesheira in 2009 when she accused the former finance minister of a conflict of interest in the Clico matter, claiming that the minister used privileged information about Clico to her benefit.

Read the story: Kamla asks police, DPP to investigate finance minister

Devant Maharaj, a private citizen at the time, also made a complaint about the former minister to the Integrity commission.

Persad-Bissessar said Maharaj has recieved a letter from the Integrity Commission regarding the complaint he made against Nunez-Tesheira.

In 2009, Nunez-Tesheira said she had declared the shares in CL Financial that she inherited from her deceased husband to the Integrity Commission and added that it was a matter of record.

However, Maharaj questioned her statements soon after and wrote the Integrity Commission on the matter.

The Prime Minister read the letter dated September 7th, 2011.

"Breach of Integrity in Public Life Act by Mrs Karen Nunez-Tesheira, former Minister of Finance.

"Dear Sir, the matter captioned refers; the Integrity Commission has conducted investigations into your complaint. The matter has now been referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions for action as he deems necessary."

The Prime Minister added, "So here it is. The Integrity Commission is of the view that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that an offence has been committed in terms of a breach in the Integrity in Public Life Act, we will await to see the findings of the DPP. Mr Speaker, this matter will not go away so easily."

Nunez Tesheira had admitted that she withdrew millions od dollars from Clico just days before she and the governor of the central bank worked out a billion-dollar bailout package for the company. The minister denied that she was using insider information and insisted that she did nothing wrong.

Opposition Leader Keith Rowley told reporters he is confident the former minister will be vindicated.

"As a matter of fact, in this life, you are responsible, and when you are a public figure, understand what is expected of you and I trust she will be able to defend herself under the fairness of the court as the case may be," Rowley said.

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