Prakash Ramadhar plans to meet with the national executive of the Congress of the People Tuesday to appoint deputies for the Congress of the People (COP).
The new leader of the COP said the party's constitution gives the leader the sole right to make such appointments. However he told reporters Monday he prefers to do it on the basis of consultation.
"I consider that no action politically will be taken by any leader without the knowledge and consultation, first of all, with the Executive. So on Tuesday morning, I will be making the announcement for Deputies."
Ramadhar has promised continuity with the vision and philosophy enunciated by his predecessor and founding leader, Winston Dookeran, which includes a strong commitment to the People's Partnership (PP).
In his victory speech Sunday night Ramadhar sounded a warning. “The future is not going to be an easy one. The waters are going to be very turbulent because the politics of change, which the congress stands for, will be resisted at different levels and in different ways.”
The new leader of the COP said the party's constitution gives the leader the sole right to make such appointments. However he told reporters Monday he prefers to do it on the basis of consultation.
"I consider that no action politically will be taken by any leader without the knowledge and consultation, first of all, with the Executive. So on Tuesday morning, I will be making the announcement for Deputies."
Ramadhar has promised continuity with the vision and philosophy enunciated by his predecessor and founding leader, Winston Dookeran, which includes a strong commitment to the People's Partnership (PP).
In his victory speech Sunday night Ramadhar sounded a warning. “The future is not going to be an easy one. The waters are going to be very turbulent because the politics of change, which the congress stands for, will be resisted at different levels and in different ways.”
He added: “The Congress of the People will remain independent, Yes, it will always strengthen itself. Yes, it will always protect the partnership — sometimes from itself — by saying what is right and doing what is right.”
He stressed that the COP would insist of conducting its business in a very disciplined way.
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