Monday, July 11, 2011

Letter: One from five equals opposition

It has been weeks that I have been looking on at the People's Partnership Government, and their partners virtually at war with each other over new responsibilities, political leadership, gossip, political strength and all the rest of it. 

After many weeks, all of the back and forth and arguments have brought us nothing but more sparring and constant bickering.

This is absolute nonsense and it must end immediately! 

 Let me state for the record that I remain a loyal supporter of the People's Partnership. I am not a member of the UNC, COP, MSJ, NJAC or TOP. I am a loyal and dedicated suppporter of the People's Partnership. 

I make that very clear point because I believe it is in order for every single member of the Government, some sycophantic writers online and other spokespersons to understand what the widespread believe at the ground level is.

The UNC cannot hold Government without the COP. The COP cannot win Government without the UNC. The MSJ and NJAC likewise. 

 The TOP is the only party in the People's Partnership that can win two very important seats with or without the partnership and they have remained the quietest and most dedicated to serving their people than any other partner in the Government.

So let's get this clear. 

For all of those who are of the belief that at the right time, one party can dispense with the other, or the UNC can allow another party to walk away, think again! 

I think if the members of Government could allow their feet to touch the ground once more and pull their heads out of the clouds, they would realise that the majority of the over 400,000 voters that put the People's Partnership Government in place, did so on the belief that it would remain strong and stable.

So for the benefit of the Cabinet, the Parliamentarians, the Advisors and all the backroom gymnasts, get your respective houses in order and govern the damn country. 

Because one from five will equal Opposition! End this instability and give the nation reason to feel confident in you once more!

Krishna Madhan | Chaguanas

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai